Memoir Putera Lapis Mahang

Memoir Putera Lapis Mahang

Monday, September 2, 2013


biasiswa  atm
di ipta

(JUNE 1986 - MAY 1989)


Jika anda membaca tulisanku dalam tajuk-tajuk sebelum ini, perjalanan hidupku untuk menaiki tangga ke menara gading telah tersangkut dan aku jatuh ke bumi. Aku gagal dalam cita-citaku untuk menjadi seorang Arkitek. Apa pilihanku? Walaupun semangat hatiku untuk meneruskan usaha dans belajar sentiasa berkobar-kobar, terdapat faktor lain yang menghalang niat hatiku.

Aku amat malu kepada keluargaku (khususnya kedua ibu-bapaku) dengan kegagalanku di UTM. Mereka meletakkan harapan yang amat tinggi kepadaku sebagai anak pertama dari keluarga untuk menjunjung segulung diploma atau ijazah. Mereka telah berkorban tenaga dan wang ringgit untuk membolehkan aku mencapai impian mereka. Aku telah mengecewakan mereka. Dalam kepala aku pada masa itu ialah, bagaimana mencari pendapatan sendiri dan tidak menyusahkan kedua orang tuaku.

Ingin belajar di tempat lain?. Perlukan bantuan wang. Ingin kerja mengikut kelulusanku (SPM), masa itu gaji kakitangan Kerajaan (seperti Kerani, Juruteknik, Tukang Pelan) dengan kelulusan SPM hanya RM370.00 sahaja. Nak jadi cikgu, kena masuk Maktab Perguruan selama 3 tahun lagi

Lalu aku melupakan hasrat untuk sambung belajar dan mengambil keputusan untuk menceburkan diri ke alam ketenteraan dan memohon menyertai latihan Pegawai Kadet. Mulanya secara rahsia kerana aku tahu bapak tidak menggemari cita-citaku itu.

Itulah cerita asalnya.

Dan kini aku telah menjadi seorang Pegawai TUDM berpangkat Leftenan TUDM.

Semasa aku bertugas di TUDM Kuantan (1983 - 1986) aku pernah memohon mengikuti kursus luar kampus Diploma in Accountancy di ITM Kuantan. Permohonan diluluskan tetapi aku tidak mendaftarkan diri kerana masalah kewangan. Namun Allah memberi lorong perjalanan kepadaku.

Pada bulan Mei 1986, aku telah terpilih (menerima Biasiswa ATM) untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke ITM Shah Alam dalam jurusan Diploma in Business Studies. Kursus bermula pada bulan Jun 1986. Aku berpindah menyewa rumah di Seksyen 17 (Kelompok Kenanga), Shah Alam. Sebuah rumah teres dua tingkat di kawasan yang masih baru dibangunkan.

Semasa melapor diri ke ITM, aku ingin merasai kehidupan sebagai seoranng pelajar sebagaimana freshies yang lain. I missed a student life. Walaupun sebagai matured student yang telah bekerja, apa lagi pelajar tajaan ATM aku mempunyai peluang untuk dikecualikan dari menyertai minggu orientasi. Aku ingin merasai minggu orientasi sepenuhnya dan tinggal di asrama siswa. Aku ditempatkan di Asrama Perindu.

Aku menyamar sebagai pelajar biasa. Bersama-sama aku ada beberapa lagi pegawai ATM yang berpangkat Lt hingga Mej yang turut menyertai minggu orientasi. Ketika itu aku baru berusia 27 tahun. Tubuhku yang kurus dan perawakanku yang pendiam menyebabkan  AJK Minggu Orientasi (AJKMO) tidak dapat membezakan aku dengan pelajar-pelajar yang lain.  Hanya rakan sedomitri sahaja yang tahu siapa aku dan aku tidak membenarkan mereka menceritakan kepada sesiapa. Cuma mereka panggil aku abang sahaja.

Jadi selepas program rasmi orientasi selesai setiap malam, para AJKMO (pelajar semester dua ke atas yang semuanya jauh lebih muda dari aku) akan memeriksa dari satu bilik ke satu bilik. Jika terdapat kesalahan seperti bilik tidak teratur, ada sampah dan sebagainya, mereka akan memberi hukuman seperti tekan tubi (press up), mencium lantai, merangkak dn sebagainya. Aku buat bodoh dan ikut arahan sahaja.

Kolej Delima (dikatakan sebagai asrama elit kerana menempatkan pelajar-pelajar yang mendapat CGPA yang tinggi dan Siswa PALAPES sahaja)

Sepanjang MO, kami ditempatkan di Asrama Perindu. Masuk hari kedua, aku dapati AJKMO ni tak pernah membuat headcount atau row-call sebelum atau selepas tamat program. Panggil berbaris dan jalan, itu sahaja. Jadi aku pun mula cari akal. Aku pilih mana-mana program yang membosankan atau tidak berkaitan dengan aku seperti peraturan di asrama (kerana aku akan tinggal di luar),  khususnya program sebelah malam, aku akan tuang. Aku akan berpakaian lengkap tapi pergi tidur dalam kereta sehingga program tamat baru aku join balik dan masuk ke bilik.

Semasa MO, kami diajar oleh senior (AJKMO) untuk menyanyi lagu Anak Kecil Main Api. Lagu pembakar semangat anak-anak Melayu.

Di hari akhir MO, majlis penutup diadakan di Dewan Seri Budiman (dewan utama ITM). Majlis disempurnakan oleh Pengarahnya pada masa itu, Prof Nik Abd Rashid (allahyarham). Ucapan beliau dipenuhi dengan kata-kata semangat dan menyentuh jiwa anak Bumiputera yang serba ketinggalan. Akhir program, kami semua dalam dewan sama-sama menyanyikan lagu Anak Kecil Main Api.  Aku masih mengingat dan menghayati lagu itu sehingga sekarang.


Anak kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Air mata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang

Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tergadai seluruh harta benda
Akibat sengketa sesamalah kita
Cinta lenyap di arus zaman

Indahnya bumi kita ini
Warisan berkurun lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
Peribumi merintih sendiri

Masa depan sungguh kelam
Kan lenyap peristiwa semalam
Tertutuplah hati terkunci mati
Maruah peribadi dah hilang

Kini kita hanya tinggal kuasa
Yang akan menentukan bangsa
Bersatulah hati bersama berbakti
Pulih kembali harga diri

Kita sudah tiada masa
Majulah dengan maha perkasa
Janganlah terlalai teruskan usaha
Melayukan gagah di nusantara

NOTA: Antara pegawai-pegawai TUDM yang sama-sama terpilih bersama aku melanjutkan pelajaran ke  ITM pada semester tersebut ialah Lt M Khairul Anuar Endut (DIA), Kapt Rainizuddin Hanur (Dip in Computer Sc), Lt M Zainal Abdul Manaf (DCS) and LtM Kamarudin Kasim (CIT).

Setelah 7 tahun meninggalkan classroom di UTM pada tahun 1979,  aku mersa janggal untuk melangkah kaki kembali ke dalam bilik kuliah/tutorial. Aku masih trauma dengan kegagalan di UTM dulu. Aku mengambil masa untuk melaraskan semula kepala otak aku untuk belajar balik. Apa lagi bila sudah bekerja, ada gaji, ada kereta, ada keluarga, perkara berkaitan pelajaran ini telah aku lupakan sama sekali. Paling menganggu jiwaku ialah pengalaman aku gagal subjek Matematik di UTM (sebab satu subjek, aku kena tendang dari UTM). Kebetulan dalam Kursus DBS ini ada subjek Business Mathematic. Adushhhhhh.

Apa yang aku pelajari sepanjang 3 tahun di ITM?.

Ketua Kursus: Encik Arzmi bin Ahmad

FIRST SEMESTER (Jun 1986 - Dis 1986)

1.      Fundamentals of Business (MGT100)  - Pensyarah/Tutor: En Yeop Hussein bin Bidin (kemudiannya Prof Madya Dr) - aku mendapat GPA 3.33 untuk subjek ini

2.     Financial Accounting I (ACC100) - Pensyarah: En Mohd Johar Omar (telah meninggal dunia) dan Tutor adalah Puan Noraiza Che Awang (sweet lady - kemudiannya Prof Madya Dr), both were nice lecturers, especially Pn Noraiza- very caring. Normally I do not like the mathematical/accounting subject but she made me like this subject - aku mendapat GPA 3.67 untuk subjek ini.

Image result for noraiza che awang
Assoc Prof Dr Noraiza Che Awang

3.     Business Mathematics (MAT140) - Pensyarah/Tutor: En Mohd Hanafi Tumin (kemudiannya Prof Madya Dr). Bila sebut subjek Math, aku jadi phobia, I failed Maths paper dan been kicked out form Architecture Course,  UTM in 1979 still a trauma trauma. Tapi berkat bimbingan En Hanafi yang masih muda (mungkin tua sedikit sahaja dari aku, mungkin sebaya atau mungkin lebih muda) dan aku belajar dari kelemahan lalu, Alhamdulillah, aku score GPA 4.00.

Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Hanafi Tumin

4.      Pendidikan Islam I (UIS101) - Pensyarah: Ustaz Abdullah Khalid /Tutor: Ustaz Hj Salleh Daud.  Subjek ini paling tidak digemari oleh para siswi moden.  Semua siswi diwajibkan memakai tudung untuk masuk ke kelas ini.  Maka kita lihat, dalam keadaan biasa (kelas-kelas lain) mereka bebas dengan pakaian (bersopan laaa) tak pakai tudung, tapi bila masuk kelas UIS, masing-masing bertukar wajah- semua ayu-ayu dan baik-baik belaka. Keluar sahaja dari dewan kuliah atau tutorial UIS, zrapppppp..tudung pun terbarai.  Walaupun ustaz/ustazah berbuih menyindir- namun mereka gagal merubah.  Tapi, alhamdulillah, bila dah grad, dah kerja, dah kawin, ramai yang berubah- aku dapat GPA 2.00 sahaja.

5.     Foundation English A1(ENL 081) - Miss Barbara Bonney.  Old (veteran) teacher, typical English teacher, reminded me when I was in my Form 2 or 3 class.   Boring class, pernah aku datang lewat class dia, tapi sudah kena sound.."why you come late? what kind of military are you?" (talk about punctuality).... pedas tu bebbbbb....tiada GPA untuk subjek ini.

GPA: 3.44 CGPA: 3.44

SECOND SEMESTER (Jan 1987 - Mei 1987)

1.      Fundamentals of Management (MGT120) - 3.33 - Puan Loo Giok Har and En Mohd Naim Ahmad (now Dr)- Miss Loo was a typical lecturer- macam cikgu sekolah menengah- semua nota ditulis atas black board- masa tu ITM masih guna kapur putih lagi.  Paling tension masuk kelas En Naim- fearful.  Muka serius and sickening macam senior di RMC. Masuk kelas dia memang rimas sentiasa, takut dan memang akan kena soal punya.

2.      Economics I (ECO100) - Pensyarah/Tutor: Pn Norizan Mohamed (kemudiannya Prof Madya)- betul-betul macam cikgu Ekonomi masa Form 6 dulu. Aku memang tak minat dengan subjek Ekonomi.  She could not change my 'dislike' on the subject of Economy.  End up I got only D, the worst result I ever get in my 3 year course in  ITM and until the end of the course became the main factor of pulling down my CGPA. Lucky it was not a course subject, otherwise I got to refer the paper to obtain the Diploma. Inilah sejarah keputusan yang paling teruk aku dapat di ITM iaitu GPA 1.67 sahaja2.  

3.     Financial Accounting II (ACC150) - Pensyarah: En Mohd Radzuan dan Tutor: Ms Chong Moi Moi. Dua-dua tak dapat merangsang untuk aku score subjek ini. Aku cuma dapat GPA 2.33.

4.     Business Statistics (QMT150) -  Pensyarah/Tutor: Ms Vani.  Macam aku cakap tadi, sebut sahaja mathematical subject, trauma datang lagi.  Kali ini walaupun Ms Vani cukup sexy (lecturer from School of Mathematics), ITM lecturer...selalu masuk kelas pakai skirt pun okay je.  Tapi, masih gagal untuk merangsang aku untuk dapat A.  Rangsang tang lain ada la. Aku dapat GPA 3.00.

5.      Arabic Language I (ARB101) - Pensyarah/Tutor: Ustaz Hassan bin Mohd Ali. Beliau dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Makkah.  Perwatakan dan percakapannya juga macam orang Arab, kasar, cepat dan aggresif. Tapi beliau sanagt baik dan mesra dengan siswa menyebabkan kami mudah menerima pelajarannya.  Aku score GPA 4.00 flat untuk subjek ini.

6.      Foundation English IIA (ENL131) - Pensyarah: Ms Ng Seow Siong. Aku dapat GPA 4.00 untuk subjek in

6.      Pendidikan Islam II - Pensyarah: Ust Ayub bin Othman dan Tutor: Ustazah Wan Asma' binti Wan Abu Bakar (sekarang Prof Madya).  Dalam subjek UIS ini, setiap pelajar kena hafal satu surah (ayat-ayat lazim) dan untuk final exam, setiap student kena baca satu persatu (secara satu sama satu) dengan tutor.  Masa inilah aku sedar dari tidurku, kerana sudah lama meninggalkan bacaan Al Qur'an. Bacaan tajwid ku dah banyak kelemahan. Bermula dari sini aku mengorak langkah mengulangkaji semula ilmu tajwid dan belajar dengan ustaz di surau.  Atas kesedaran ini juga kemudian aku aktif di surau Al Amin, Sek 17 Shah Alam dan akhirnya aku dilantik menjadi salah seorang dari Imamnya. Aku dapat GPA 3.33.

GPA: 3.08 CGPA: 3.20

THIRD SEMESTER (Jul 1987 - Dis 1987)

1.     Fundamental of Marketing (MKT130) - 3.67 - Tengku Chik Melewar  bin Tunku  Nasir and Pn Ammeriah Hussein. Tengku Chik Melewar adalah NS royal family. Very soft gentleman and also very nice.  Same goes to Pn Ammeriah, she was very motherly woman. Both lecturer and tutors made the subject can be handled easily.

2.     Fundamental of Finance (FIN150) - 3.33 - En Abd Halim bin Mohd Ibrahim (almarhum). He is a mamak, so the mamak character was there.  The voice was loud and clear. Very nice and friendly.

3.    Economic II (EC0250) - 3.00 - Pn Rosylin Mohd Yusof. She drove Citroen- a luxury car at that time. Her softness, kindness and amicability was slightly able to improve my interest in economic paper. She is now a Professor in UUM.

Image result for prof roselyn mohd yussof UUM
Prof Dr Rosylin Mohd Yusof

4.    Financial Accounting III (ACC205) - 3.67 - En Abd Latif Ismail and Mr Felix Wong. I couldnt recall how En Latif was, but Mr Felix yes.  Mr Felix was the man with philosophy.  He knew a lot about Qur'anic versions.  He is able to write Jawi and translate Arabic.   The way he taught us was very clear, and he always use analogy to make us easier to understand the accounting 'left and right' concept.

5.    Intermediate English A (ENL181) - 2.67 - Pn Koh Su Ling.

6.    Pemikiran Islam Semasa (UIS201) - 3.67 - Ustazah Rokiah Mohamad and Ust Zulkarnain Yussof.

7.    Arabic Language II (ARB102) - 4.00 - Ust Hassan bin Mohd Ali.

CGP: 3.41 CGPA: 3.28

FOURTH SEMESTER (Jan 1988 - Jun 1988)

1.    Fundamentals of Transport (TPT100) - 3.67 - Cik Sabariah bt Mohamamad (now Dr) and En Mohd Yusof bin Sulaiman (now Dato' Dr).  Sabariah very serious person - cannoy play-play or gurau-gurau one. But Yusof was so simple and very friendly guy.

Image result for Dato'  Dr Mohd Yusof bin Sulaiman
Dato' Dr Mohd Yusof bin Sulaiman

2.    Fundamentals of Insurance (INS100) - 3.33 -Mr Ong Kim Huah.  This old lecturer acted like a taukeh kedai nombor ekor. Simple and cool person- take the subject very professional manner.  Always used his experience to explain the students.  I was the class leader in that semester, and he address me as Ketua Kampong.

3.    Economic III (ECO300) - 3.33 -Pn Jan Ng Phaik Lian.... sexy lecturer.... came in to the class with skirt, perghhhh tantalizing.... anak murid yang baik-baik macam aku ni, cuma mampu menelan air lioqqq....This time, my result in Economic subject  were improving kerana ada motivational factor.

4.    Reading & Report Writing (ENL236) - 3.33 - Puan Foong Beng Sim.

5.    Tamaddun Islam (UIS251) - 4.00 - Ust Abdullah Mohamad & Ust Azam Hamzah.  First time I got 4 flat in UIS. This semester, my interest to the Islamic subject was at the climax. I really worked for it, memorizing the Quranic version and Hadith, in fact in answer the final exam with tulisan jawi.

6.    Arabic Language III (ARB103) - 4.00 - Ust Tajuddin bin Mohd Noor. He replaced Ustaz Hassan Ali who transferred to other ITM branch.  Less aggresive than Hassan.  How ever my interest to Arabic was at the peak, so no problem to score 4 flat.

GPA: 3.59, CGPA: 3.36
 (the only Sem yang saya dapat Dean's List- haprak betui).

FIFTH SEMESTER (Jul 1988 - Dis 1988)

1.    Elements of Law (LAW102) - 2.33 - Pn Rohazarwati Zualcobley & En Haidar Dzyaudin

2.    Data Processing (CSC105) - 2.00 - Puan Roslina Md Nawi & En Azis Othman-  at that time, computer was something 'alien' to me, so difficult to catch the knowledge PLUS both lecturers (lecture and tutorial) were so monotonous.  Like a PC.  I think the computerman is alck of 'human relations skills', so they were straight foward- did not care either your student could catch you up or not.  End up, most of the assignment, even so simple (later when I bought the PC) we just copying each other.

3.    Investment (FIN220) - 3.00 - Tuan Hj Amir bin Zainol Abidin.

4.    Malaysian Bus Environment (MGT205) - 3.33 -Pn Zaafaran bt Hassan (later Prof Dr)

5.    Consumer Behavior (MKT311) - 2.67 -Pn Wan Juria bt Hood

6.    Marketing Research (MKT324) - 3.67 - Dr Khalifah bin Othman

7.    Sistem Ekonomi Islam (UIS302) - 3.00 - Ust Ezani bin Yaakob

8.    Functional English (ENL238) - 2.33 - Pn Bhajan Kaur

9.    Arabic Language IV (ARB104) - 4.00 - Ust Mohd Zabawi bin Abdullah

GPA: 2.98 CGPA: 3.26
(this is my worst semester result)

SIXTH SEMESTER (Jan 1989 - Mei 1989)

1.     Production (MGT212) - 3.33 -Pn Fauziah Noordin . Met her again in my Advanced Diploma Course as my Course Tutor.

2.    Organizational Behavior (MGT213) - 2.00 - Pn Zaafaran Hassan (now Prof Dr).  This  was the most hyper-tension class for the whole diploma course. 20/24 hours a day in serious mode.  Kalau dia senyum pun sinis je..... sebab dia buat joke, kita orang pun takut nak senyum.  Sickening betul. Masa kita orang serius pecah kepala nak jawab test atau quiz, dia pulak boleh senyum sorang-sorang. However, after the course, I found that she is a nice person.

3.    Personnel Management (MGT214) - 3.67 -Pn Loo Gaik Har-  she could not survive without chalk and blackboard.  She was explaining while writing notes on the board.

4.    Industrial and Commercial Law (LAW262) - 3.67 -Pn Baduyah bt Obeng*- Nobody likes Law class (including me), however the lecturer (Puan Bad) is pretty and charming lady made us like the subject.  Her smile made us fall in love (to the subject), so the subject become interesting, and the students were very keen to pose questions. This was the only class that we were inpatient to wait for the next class.

5.    Principles of Advertising (MKT323) - 3.67 -Pn Ubaidah bt Mohamed- I learned 'pot luck' from her. She liked to organize pot luck at taman Tasik Shah Alam, where we had our informal discussion about 'advertisement'.  Pious but very friendly and amicable.

6.   Business Einvironment (BUS364) - 3.33 - Puan Zairon bt Othman and Gp Advsr: Pn Ameriah Hussein.  Two lecturers with opposite character.  Puan Zairon seemed like a discipline teacher in fact like a Principal of Girls School.  Serious, garang - even everyone's note books she wanted to check and give mark to carry forward. I was the one (of many many more) who were very poor in jotting and keeping the notes in the class. On the other hand, Puan Ammeriah was very motherly and amicable.  Kelas Pn Zairon, punyalah disiplin, sampai sebelum exam dia check semua buku catitan subjek dia .

7.    Sistem Ekonomi Islam (UIS352) - 3.33 (Ghafarullahulahuddin Hj Din). Badan ustaz ni kecik je.. janggut panjang. Rupanya dia aktif kumpulan tabligh.  Simple person. Seronok belajar ekonomi islam dengan dia, he made the difficulties easy to be understood........ beberapa tahun kemudian... semasa aku kembali ke ITM untuk kursus ADBS(HRM) pada tahun 1994,  salah seorang classmate aku bernama Ainal Khairi  binti Abdul Ghani adalah isteri kepada Ustaz ini.

GPA: 3.28 CGPA: 3.26


Kalau di lihat result  di atas, average adalah antara 2.67 dan 3.67.  Tapi diteliti lagi, ada dua keputusan yang ekstrim, iaitu Ekonomi (1.67) dan bahasa Arab (4.00 in all semesters).  Aku pun tak tau kenapa aku susah sangat nak absorb subjek ekonomi ni. Tak minat langsung. Kebetulan pulak bila lecturernya mengajar macam cikgu sekolah (walaupun pensyarahnya wanita dan muda) masih gagal untuk menarik minat aku.

Berbeza dengan Bahasa Arab, walaupun agak asing dan bukan core subject dan yang mengajar semua lelaki (tak hensem pulak tu), tapi sebab minat, cara mengajar pun menarik, aku boleh score  4 flat - straight 4 semesters .  Aku harap satu hari nanti aku boleh jumpa semula dengan Ustaz Hassan Ali.

Masa aku develop blog ni, i did my searching untuk cari gambar2 my former lecturers, ada melalui facebook, ada melalui google image search. 

Antara yang dapat aku detect ialah Puan Baduyah Obeng, my Commercial Lecturer in Semester 6. I introduced myself. Surely she could not recall or recognise me. Ye la kan, mana nak ingat every semester bertukar students, beratus-ratus mungkin beribu pulak tu, dah lah tu cuma mengajar satu sem sahaja.  Masa tu students dengan lecturers pun bukan rapat sangat, kenal gitu-gitu je.

Related image
Assoc Prof Baduyah Obeng

So, after more than 25 years, dapat bersembang semula, walaupun dalam fb. Nice to meet you again Bad.  Peliknya, macam bukan dah lebih 20 tahun tak jumpa.  Typical Sarawakian seperti yang aku pernah ketahui pada tahun 1982/83 dulu- very friendly.  Masa aku jumpa dalam fb tu (2010), Baduyah  lecturing at UITM Sarawak campus.

Rezeki itu ketentuan Allah. Semasa aku membuat tugas di Kuching pada 28 July 2011, aku dapat hubungi Baduyah (cuma nak maklum yang aku ada di Kuching je, bukan apa-apa).  Dia offer nak belanja aku makan, malangnya masa tak mengizinkan kerana program untuk aku telah diatur. Walaupun kami tak sempat nak makan sama, namun beliau ingin juga berjumpa murid tua ni.  Akhirnya, beliaulah yang menjemput aku di hotel Riverside Majestic dan menghantarku ke LTA Kuching untuk pulang ke Kuala Lumpur.  Sebelum itu sempat dia bawa aku round ke seberang Sg Sarawak ke perkampungan tradisional untuk membeli kek lapis Sarawak untuk aku bawa balik.

Terima kasih Cikgu.  Semoga Allah memberkati dan memberi kemudahan kepada hidupmu hingga akhir hayat.


When I received an offer to further my study to ITM, I knew nothing about Shah Alam area. I was lucky, one of my Warrant Officer in Kuantan (PW (Rtd) Lokman-deceased) had bought a double-story terrace house in Sect 17, Shah Alam. So, he offered me to rent his house. In that situation, i did not negotiate further, RM280 per month -agreed.

The house address at No 27, Jalan 17/3 (Kelompok Kenanga), Seksyen 17, Shah Alam. At that time, that area was still new, almost half of the houses were not occupied. Almost every night there was a theft case. So, the community group agreed to form up so-called 'Rukun Tetangga'. A volunteer service. So, every night we had a 'security guard shift' from 1200 am to 6am. 2 hr duty and 4 persons per shift. Unfortunately, not all of them volunteer to cooperate. The efforts was slowly not working.

I stayed in that house for about a year, then I moved to house belong to one 'Mak Cik' (i forgot her name). I also forgot the address of that house. Better house, a single storey terrace with awning extension in front and at the back. This house had its own story. First, the water bill was very high, suspected leaking at the pipeline. I had reported so many time but no action taken. Second, I was disturbed by the people who were coming, looking for that 'Mak Cik' asking for 'hutang'. Then I knew that 'Mak Chik' was a 'kaki kencing orang'. Macam-macam kes tipu sana sini and involved thousands. I did not stay long in this house. I myself was nearly cornered by that 'Mak Cik'.

One day, a family man came to my house and claimed that, he had purchased the house and he plan to move in that house. I got confused, because that 'Mak Cik' never told me. that she already sold the house. When the Mak Cik coming to collect the rental for that month, I asked her about it and she denied. So, I told that Mak Cik, I would not pay the rental for that month, she could take my deposit and I will move out by the end of the month. Happened that, the new owner of that house was also RMAF personnel, a AQM in No 2 Sqn (retired PW Rashid bin Buntal).

My third house was at No. 28, Jalan Pelaga 17/14A  (the owner, En Rahim stayed at Kampung Baru, KL). I was also not staying long in this house because I got the better house at the same street. So, my last house in Shah Alam was at No 20, Jalan 17/14A (i also forgot the name of the owner- he was staying at Sect 16, Shah Alam. I stayed in this house until I moved to OMQ 121, Lorong Golok, MINDEF in January 1993.

Inilah Masjid Seksyen 17 yang bermula dari sebuah surau bernama 'Madrasah Al Amin- di mana aku pernah menjadi AJK, Setiausaha, Bilal dan juga Imamnya antara tahun 1988-1993

I was very active in that community. I was elected to be the Secretary of 'Surau Al Amin', and later became the second Imam for that surau. I was also experienced to be the 'Pembantu Amil' during the fasting months for 2-3 years there. I felt very convenient living in that community. As a Committee Members of the Surau, every month the 'Surau' Committee will go to every house to collect 'derma surau' from the 'kariah'.

The most tearing moment was the time that i have to move out from Shah Alam to the Married Quarters in MINDEF. The whole permanent 'kariah' of the 'Surau Al Amin' were gathered at my house to assist me to load my household to the 'truck 3 ton' and send me off. I could not hold my tears.

I would not forget them. Names such as Imam Mohd Noor bin Ismail (almarhum 2013), Imam Mohammad Mokhtar (passed away), Bilal Mohamad Nasir, Bilal Shahrom, Hj Abu Bakar Yusof (Army SNCO pensioner), Haris Ahmad (former Pengerusi Surau), Pak Berahim, Pakcik Badar (almarhum), Azman Badar (Siak), Abg Sahak (Siak), Abg Musa (tukang), Abg Yunus (Nestle), Abg Sabil Mohd Noh (Army SNCO pensioner), Azhar (Siak- moved to Melaka), Pakcik Bakar Hussein (businessman), Mahdan Mohd (bank officer), Arshad  Damanhuri, Rahman, Zainal (ITM), Murugiah/Kala (my neighbour), Abg Ali (pemandu UITM), Arshad Damanhuri, Abd Rahman (kilang chat), Abg Kahar, Abg Shahrom (PPUM), Abg Mail (business)  and etc.

Even today (2011) I still maintain my contact with them.  During my (3x) daughters' wedding, they came down.


Sejak aku meninggalkan UITM pada tahun 1989, hanya sekali sahaja kami adakan reunion secara agak besar-besaran.  Rasanya di Pan Pacific Hotel, tahun berapa aku kurang ingat, tapi masa tu aku masih pangkat Mejar atau Kapt la kot.

Pada 29 Sep 2012 mereka mengadakan reunion di INTEKMA Resort, tapi aku tak diberitahu.  Tau-tau dah keluar dalam fb.  Lagi pun aku masuk group fb tu selepas tarikh mereka membuat reunion.

(Jul 1994 - June 1996)

The Hurdles To Get Into The Course

When I was working in Training Directorate (Air Force HQ) in 1992 (I was a Kapten then), I interested on a newly introduced course in ITM, 2 year Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management or ADBS (HRM). I applied for the course - successfull and had been called for the interview. I attended the interview at ITM Shah Alam. That interview was for the 3rd Batch of that course (at that time the first batch had not graduated yet).

I succedded in my interview and received the offer letter dated 16 Nov 1992, and instructed for registeration on 08 January 1993. The application paper presented to my superior officer (APTU Tadbir then, Brig Jen Dato' Hj Salleh bin Hodari) for approval but it was rejected.

I  was so frustrated but as a military officer, I had to obey the decision made by my superior.

In 1994 (I was working in Materiel Division), I did my second attempt. I applied the same course, accepted and attended the interview (for Batch No.6) on 10 May 1994 and I was successful. Again, the paper (application) was brought up into the Air Board (Lembaga Udara) for approval..

Very very unfortunate. Again the decision was not on my side. The Air Board turned down the proposal with the reason, all the financial allocation for that year were allocated to Diploma in Engineering courses. Other than Engineering courses, the RMAF only allowed officers for courses less than 2 years. My second attempt was also end with frustration.

One evening, I had a chit-chat with my neighbour (in OMQ), Mej Azzudin Othman Fuad (RMR officer) about my frustration . He advised me to write  letter (appeal) to the Chief (of RMAF). He said "At least you had tried, if not approved, it won't change the decision, nothing lost. Your Chief might change his mind and give way to you? Who knows??

Yesss, why not?

So, that night I spent my time in front of my PC, inspiring for ideas for the letter. And, the next day with ZERO confident, I sent the letter to Chief's office (the letter dated 24 June 1994- I am still keeping the copy). A week later, I met the then Director of Training, Kol Abdullah Ahmad (in the lift) and he told me that the Chief had approved my appeal!. BRAVOO....

Thanks to Allah!

Participants Development Programme (PDP)

PDP is some sort like Orientation or Induction Programme. It was a special programme and as part and parcel of ADBS(HRM) course. PDP is designed to develop group spirit and friendship. It aimed to prepare the students for the highly interactive course. Our PDP was conducted at Kompleks Camar Laut, LKIM at Bagan Lalang, Sepang from 10 to 13 July 1994. Fourteen (supposed to be 15) were turn up.

Course Participants:

1.   Ainal Khairi bt Abd Ghani (E)- from Cameron Highland. Graduated Dip in Accountancy (DIA) ITM.

2.   Farazeta bt Md Lani (Fara)- from Sg Ara, Damansara, graduated Dip in Executive Secretary, ITM.

3.   Mejar Hasan bin Ali - from Melaka (an Army Commando), graduated Dip in Public Admin (DPA) ITM - he missed this PDP and he got to attend with the next batch (Batch 7).

4.   Kapt Kamzaini bt Kamal (Kay)- from Tampin, graduated DIA ITM (Army lady officer - General Service Corps- Pay)

5.   Razlita bt Rezali (Ita)- from Pulau Sebang, Melaka. Graduated DBS ITM..

7.   Fadli bin Sanusi (Pat) - from Sijangkang, Klang, graduated Dip in Tourism ITM.

8.   Mohd Fadzly bin Mohd Yusof (Black)- from Johor Bahru, graduated DBS ITM.

9.   M.Radzy bin Hassan (Jang)- from Rembau, NS, graduated Diploma in Microbiology, ITM.

10.  Mohd Fahmi bin Hashim (Ben)- from Segamat, Johore, graduated DBS ITM.

11.  Mohd Ghazali bin Ibrahim (Ghaz)- from Batu Gajah Perak, graduated in DPA ITM Perak.

12.  Roshiza bt Aminuddin (Shiza) - from Alor Setar, Kedah, graduated DBS ITM.

13.  Rosnani bt Kasalar (Nani) -from Tg Karang, graduated Diploma in Tourism, ITM Shah Alam.

14.  Mejar Toharudin bin Abd Rasid TUDM (Wak)- from Batu Pahat, Johor, grad DBS ITM from Shah Alam (RMAF officer)

15.  Mohd Sukhairi bin Shamsuddin - from KL, graduated Dip in Tourism.

16.  Rosmini bt Simin- from Sabah

17.  Mohd Azda bin Abu Bakar - from Shah Alam. grad Dip in Tourism.

The theme song for the PDP was 'Fikirkan Boleh'.  Everyday we have to sing this song in group. The main purpose was to create a team spirit among the student to look and move forward and never never give up.  This song was used to burn the spirit of our national Badminton team in 1992's Thomas Cup Tournament.  That year Malaysia championed the tournament after the last winning in 1967.  And, after 1992 the Thomas Cup never come back to Kuala Lumpur.

This Batch No 5 was the smallest intake (batch) of HRM. The intake before and after my batch were normally between 25 to 40 students. After the PDP the number of classmates increased to f19 because four new participants reported (the second intake students);

1.   Norhisam bt Mohd Yasin (Aboi)- from Alor Gajah, Melaka, graduated DPA, ITM Melaka.

2.   Norashidah bt Abd Rashid (Cda)- from Klang, graduated DBS from ITM Arau.

3.   Dayang Sofia bt Abang Bohan - from Kuching, Sarawak, graduated Dip in Business Admin UNITAR.

4.   Mohd Anuar bin Din- from balik Pulau. Graduated DBS from ITM.

However, two months after the class commencing, we lost 4 members due to some reasons. There were:

1.   Mohd Azda bin Abu Bakar- he got the offer for overseas course.

2.   Mohd Sukhairi bin Shamsuddin- he also pursued for overseas course.

3.   Rosmini bt Simin - her application for Sabah scholarship/loan was turned-down so, due to financial problem, she decided to quit from the course.

4.   Dayang Sofia - the ITM management found out that her 2 year Diploma in Business Admin from UNITAR was not fulfilling the prerequisites for ADBS(HRM), so, she was sent to ITM Melaka to complete her 3rd year. She was later joined Batch No. 8 .

Finally, only 15 left in the course, out of that, only 14 were graduated on time (2 year). Ghazali got to wait another semester to complete his carry-forward papers. He graduated together with Batch No 7. Ghaz passed away in 2006 due to heart attack.

After our graduation, we had several reunions. We had one at Roshiza's house in Shah Alam, Ben also once organized open house sometime in 2002 (at Bangi) then we had one in de Palma Hotel Shah Alam, where I met Ghaz for the last one. Ghaz would never fail to turn up any gathering we organised.

One day in 2005 or 2006, I knew that Ghaz was working as Manager in General Post Office, Shah Alam. So, I called his office. I was shocked when the person who answered the call told me the sad news that Ghaz already passed away more than 2 months ago- due to heart attack. I start calling our ex-classmates one by one, and most of them did not know about his leaving.

Ghazali- I have my own tale about his life before joining this course. He was a 'happy go lucky type of person'. Like to talk and smile. He was my room mate during the PDP in Bagan Lalang. Listening about his history of his 'struggling and sweating' young life was really saddening.

He came from the poor family, he only managed to complete his primary school (Darjah 6). He worked as a postman in Ipoh, then he took his SRP and SPM as a private candidate. Driven by his high determination and spirit, he took part time class for Diploma in Public Admin,and end up succeeded for his diploma. He love his job very much. He continued working as postman. He was generous, amicable and honest person, everybody in his area he served were liked him.

He took 2 year leave for his ADBS(HRM). The funny thing about him was he was a computer illiterate. In our group works, he would do everything you ask for but must not doing anything related to computer. With the help of the classmates, he managed to get through the course and passed his computer application practical. Eventhough he got to wait another semester to finish up his paper, he finally achieved his ambition, and proudly walk on the stage to take his degree.

After his graduation, he went back to Ipoh and continued his old job as a postman. My goodness. However, later we knew that he was promoted to a managerial post. He got married after his graduation (late marriage- above 40). Some of us (I was not) attended his wedding in Ipoh. I heard he had 2 children.

Allah telah mengambil nyawanya sebelum sempat membesarkan anak-anaknya. Ghaz, aku merasai kehilanganmu. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.



1.    Computer Application in Business (CSC270) - 3.33 (En Badri bin Abd Shukur).

2.    Intro to HRM (HRM530) - 3.67 (Cik Rabiah Abd Wahab)

3.    Business Communication (Writing Skill) (MGT525) - 3.33 (Pn Flor Datin). The famous thing about her class was 'REDO' culture. Almost all assignments 'kita orang kena' redo. Redo assignment, redo test, 4 students got to redo this subject...

4.    Business Communication (Public Speaking) (MGT526) - 3.33 (Pn Norminsham Abd Karim). Any word 'la' came out from your mouth during the class, you will clanged 20 cents. Her favourite tag line "yakudus sekudus"

5.    Organizational Behavior (MGT531) - 3.33 (Dr Mohamed Hashim bin Mohd Kamil).

6.    Quantitative Business Analysis (QMT365) - 3.33 (Tuan Hj Abdullah Ghazali).

GPA: 3.39 CGPA: 3.3


1.    HR Economics (ECO540) - 4.00 (Puan Jamaliah bt Taib). Typical school teacher, she would write everything on the greenboard using chalks.

2.    Financial Management (FIN540) - 3.67 (Mr Prabir Dass) - very simple personality and funny character- wearing RM3.00 sandal in the classroom. simpleway of teaching, no text book- class submitted a complaint letter to the Dean- disagreed on his way of teaching.

3.    Interviewing Skills (HRM535) - 3.00 (Puan Flor T S Bahrin)- another REDO session, and end up my group (Blender) presentation also got to redo. I remember, after the redo session, she 'belanja' my group for lunch at Restoran Chili Padi in Section 18.  Kalau Aboy baca blog ini, mesti dia ingat......(kena redo role play - i was the group leader)

4.    HR Utilisation (HRM540) - 3.33 (Puan Fauziah bt Noordin). Very strong character lady, and do not ever underette women's roles and achievement infront of her. However, Puan Pau was a very nice and friendly lecturer.

5.    HR Development (HRM545) - 3.33 (Puan Noormala bt Amir Ishak). Her voice was loud and clear...but still some of us were able to sleep in the class. Very nice. A lecturer and a friend.

Prof Dr Noormala bt Amir IshaK

Social Issues in Business (HRM550) - 4.00 (Tuan Hj Abdullah Ghazali)- very fatherly lecturer. I treat him (and his wife, Hajjah Rahimah Rahim) like a father. Everytime our class wanted to have a gathering, or whatever he will sincerely offering his house at Sect 8 as a venue. As a reciprocal, our class volunteered to serve as a penanggah during his daughter's wedding (1996)

GPA: 3.56 (Dean's List) CGPA: 3.47

One of the group project in 'Social Issues in Business' - we did the Anti-Drug Abuse campaign. One of the program was a visit to Pusat SERENTI, Tampin.

In this project, at last minute the Transport Unit (ITM) unable to provide a bus. So we did the last minute initiative/decision to travel by our own cars. My car, Shiza's car, Hassan's car Kay's car and Hj Abdullah's car.  We had a lunch at Razlita's house at Sebang (very near to the Pusat Serenti.

Writing is my hobby. When I was in this course, we have our own bulletin. The coordinator was Puan Norminsham.  Every semester I contributed (on behave of my class) an article (or write up) about our class activities.   So, one of them was talking about our classmembers.

This is my 'contribution' to 'BERITA ADBS (HRM) Volume 5' issued in May 1995. The title was 'Rhyme and Riddle with HRM Part 2.

HRM 02 the owner of the story,
The aim is to make you all happy,
People say HRM make you always busy,
The trick is take everything easy.

We are the smallest HRM batch,
Course No 6 from the first hatch,
20 students we started the sketch,
Now sixteen left running for the match.

Various states we came from all over,
Today we are brother and sister,
Many people many characters,
Happy and sad we always together.

From Cameron Highland Ainal 'E' Khairi,
She likes to fight whenever she feels uneasy,
Coming to tests- owwwh how she worries,
When the result out she always victory.

The only Sarawakian with straight long hair,
ITTAR campus Dayang Sofia from there,
Chinese blood that's why she is fair,
Still free (single) cango if you dare.

Soft and  jelly, just 'Pat' you call me,
In full he is Fadli Sanusi,
Always late come to class you see,
He got no reason because he stays in Jati.

Farazeta 'Secretary, expert in shorthand,
Come to class everyday her daddy sends,
Letter writing no one can challenge,
You copy hers the marks you won't gain.

Fadzly 'Black' boys from Johor Bahru,
This guy is another funny crew,
Someone says he might dropped one of his screws,
Very straight forward doesn't know how to use clue.

Hasan Ali commando skydiver,
A Malacca born he is an Army Major,
Every weekend he goes back to Malacca,
No wonder he just got married a school teacher.

Next is the charming Army lady,
Class Treasurer her name is Capt Kamzaini,
Hello 'Kay' enough for you to address me,
Close ok, touch no way coz I'm a mum of three.

People arguing he likes to listen,
That's Mohd Anuar, a quiet person,
Look innocent and no emotion,
One thing sure, he got never tensioned.

Our Big 'Ben' his name is Mohd Fahmi,
Uniphone staff before joining our party,
In school he likes to play rugby,
Easy to recognise because he is the most healthy.

Tummy 'Ghaz' previously was a postal sender,
If you walk with him, people will say he is your father,
Mohd Ghazali is our 'Penghulu' for 1st semester,
Ipoh 'mali', still bachelor, open for tender.

From Microbilology he joins HRM,
M.Radzy Hassan 'Jang' is his nickname,
Nogori, his state he claims,
Relax and cool until day of exam.

Soft, taciturn and also very careful,
From far she looks pretty cool,
Norashidah from Klang her face look peaceful,
Public Speaking she presents very beautiful

Norhisam 'Aboy' is another Malaccan,
Her beautiful complexion attracts everyone,
But to tackle her you have to carefully plan,
I tell you, she is belong to someone.

Razlita Rezali is another sister,
A quiet and patient  girl also from Malacca,
Easy to work as a group member,
Keep it up 'Ita' you will have a good future.

'Nanie' to her you dont have to feel shy,
You tease her, she will never cry,
Anyone interested just forget to try,
To the single title she had said bye-bye.

Mother of three, Roshiza is her name,
She likes to say 'no pain no gain',
Hardwork till sometime her children join the game,
She will be ok if you know how to entertain.

Toharudin is our Air Force Major,
Father of four, but still want glamour,
Many characters, 'Wak' is an allrounder,
If you not sure please ask Course tutor


1.    Management of Change (HRM555) - 4.00 (Puan Fauziah bt Noordin)

Prof Dr Fauziah bt Noordin

2.    Employee Appraisal and Compensation - 3.67 (Dr Nooraini bt Mohamed Ismail).

3.    Industrial Relations (HRM570) - 3.00 (Prof Maimunah Aminuddin). Prof Maimunah kelahiran New Zealand adalah pakar dalam bidang Industrial Relations. Banyak buku berkaitan IR hasil tulisan beliau yang dijadikan buku rujukan utama di beberapa IPTA dan IPTS.

Related image
Prof Maimunah Abdullah Aminuddin

4.    Seminar in Current Issues in HRM - 4.00 (Dr Mohamed Hashim bin Mohd Kamil).

5.    Strategic Management (HRM580) - 3.33 (Puan Zaini Abd Kadir).

GPA: 3.60 (Dean's List) CGPA: 3.51


Practicum (HRM600) - 4.00 (Prof Maimunah Aminuddin- Advisor)- I did my practical training at HR Division, Indah Water Consortium Sdn Bhd, Empire Tower, Jalan Tun Razak, KL under the supervision of En Mohd Hazim bin Abd Majid, Manager of Training and Development. The SGM of HR Division was Puan Himash Alfian. In IWK, I met Rashidah Hussein, my ex-classmate in DBS ITM (1986-1989). She was the Training Exec in IWK.  Actually, with her help, I managed to get a place to do my practical in IWK.

Image result for maimunah aminuddin industrial relations  

Image result for maimunah aminuddin industrial relations  


Seorang pegawai TUDM berpangkat Mejar, menjalani latihan di sebuah syarikat awam adalah satu pengalaman yang cukup menarik.  Dalam semester keempat, semua pelajar HRM diperlukan mengikuti praktikum di jabatan Sumber manusia di mana-mana syarikat dalam negara.  Aku memohon beberapa syarikat antaranya Coopers and Lybrand, MRCB dan IWK.

Aku menerima tawaran adi Coopers and Lybrand dan IWK.  Tetapi memandangkan ibu pejabat IWK dekat dengan rumahku iaitu di Empire Tower, Jalan Tun Razak (berdekatan dengan Ampang Park dan Crown Princess Hotel,  maka aku terima tawaran IWK.  Kebetulan rakan sekelasku semasa kursus DBS (1986-1989) dulu, iaitu Rashidah Hussein berkerja di Jabatan Latihan dan Pembangunan, Bahagian Sumber Manusia IWK.

Di IWK aku menjalani praktikal di Training and Development Department, di bawah kelolaan En Ahmad Hazim bin Abd Majid dan di situ aku menerima elaun bulanan sebanyak RM600.00. Extra income for me. Yahoo!

Bersama aku menjalani praktikum adalah pelajar dari jurusan Mass Comm iaitu Dzalman Zainal (anak seorang pegawai kanan TLDM, Laksma Zainal Dali).  Semasa di IWK pelajar perlu membuat dua kajian untuk dibentangkan kepada penal penilai di ITM dan perlu menghantar jurnal mingguan kepada practical advisor.  Advisor aku ialah Prof Maimunah Aminuddin.

Tajuk kajian aku semasa di IWK ialah berkaitan Performance Appraisal dan Managing Change. Di IWK aku diterima dengan baik oleh warga IWK dan mereka sentiasa memberi kerjasama sepanjang aku menjalani praktikal.  Kalau lah aku bukan anggota ATM, kemungkinan besara aku akan terus memohon untuk  berkerja di situ.

Cabaran IWK ialah persepsi masyarakat pada masa itu yang masih belum menerima kenyataan untuk membayar bil pembentungan yang selama ini diperolehi secara percuma.  IWK mengalami masalah pengguna yang enggan membayar bil dengan alasan mereka tidak nampak apa perkhidmatan yang IWK telah berikan berbanding semasa mereka mendapat perkhidmatan secara percuma dari PBT dahulu.  Mungkin dahulu mereka dikenakan bayaran, tetapi secara tidak langsung di dalam bil cukai pintu.  Tapi, bila mereka dikenakan caj pembentungan kepada IWK, kos bil cukai pintu tetap tidak berubah.

Masalah kedua ialah IWK tidak mempunyai kelengkapan yang mencukupi  untuk memberi perkhidmatan, maka banyaklah aduan mengenai perkhidmatan senggaraan yang lemah dan pembuangan najis ke tempat yang tidak diluluskan.

Satu pengalaman yang menarik dalam perjalanan hidupku.  Peluang dapat berkhidmat dalam sebuah syarikat swasta semasa amsih dalam TUDM.

GPA: 4.00 CGPA: 3.60 (Dean's List)

Awarded with: BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) (HUMAN RESOUCE MANAGEMENT) - SECOND CLASS UPPER in the 46th Convocation of ITM. Another 0.07 point to get First Class (Honour).

Be a BEST STUDENT for Batch No 6,  I received RM500 gift cheque from Green Network Sdn Bhd.

My course created its own history. We entered ITM in July 1994 as a student of 'Advanced Diploma in Business Admin (HRM) but graduated in May 1996 with Bachelor in Business Admin (Honours) (HRM). The declaration of ITM to a university status and the change of the name of the degree was approved hardly a week before the convocation day.

Ketua Kajian/Dekan Fakulti 

(1)  Prof Dr Ghazali bin Abdullah

(2)  Prof Madya Hj Abdullah bin Ghazali

(3)  Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Tahir bin Abdul Hamid

(4)  Prof Dr Zaini bin Ahmad

(5)  Prof Dr Hajah Faridah binti Abu Hasan

(6)  Prof Dr Hajah Noormala binti Dato' Amir Ishak

(7)  Prof Madya Dr Hajah Siti Halijjah binti Shariff

Bertemu Dekan Faculty of Business and Management UiTM dalam satu majlis di INSMAT Kinrara pada bulan Jan 2018
(Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Kursus Kerjasama TUDM-MIPSM)


Sebagai yang aku catatkan di awal episod ini, Mohd Ghazali bin Ibrahim atau panggilan mesranya ‘Ghaz’ merupakan salah satu rakan sekelasku yang aku anggap istimewa. Istimewa dari aspek kehidupan yang dilalui sebelum berjaya menjejak kaki ke menara gading.

Semasa mengikuti Participant Development Programme (PDP) di Bagan Lalang (Sepang),  aku duduk satu bilik dengan Ghaz.

Selepas tamat pengajian dari ITM aku hanya dua atau tiga kali sahaja bertemu dengan Ghaz dan kali terakhir ialah pada tahun 2002 semasa reunion di Palma Hotel Shah Alam.

Pada suatu hari dalam tahun 2006, aku cuba menghubungi Ghaz setelah aku mendapat maklumat beliau bertugas sebagai Pengurus di Pejabat Pos Besar, Shah Alam. Aku amat terkejut dan terkedu apabila staf wanita yang menjawab panggilan itu memberitahuku bahawa Ghaz sudah meninggal lebih kurang  bulan yang lalu akibat serangan sakit jantung.

Allahyarham Ghazali meninggalkan satu kesah istimewa buat aku dan rakan sekelas ADBS(HRM) di ITM.

Semasa hayatnya, Ghaz  adalah seorang lelaki yang kelihatan happy go lucky walaupun di dalam dirinya tersimpan terlalu banyak kesah derita. Beliau banyak bercakap dan sentiasa tersenyum. Sepanjang 2 tahun bersamanya, aku banyak dapat menyelami sejarah hidupnya menyayat hati tetapi yang  sangat mengkagumkan.

Ghaz berasal dari sebuah keluarga miskin yang hanya mampu membiayai pelajarannya setakat Darjah 6 sahaja. Semasa remajanya dia membuat pelbagai pekerjaan sehingga usianya 18 tahun dia bekerja sebagai posmen di Ipoh. Setelah bekerja beberapa tahun dia belajar sendiri dan mengambil peperiksaan SRP dan SPM sebagai calon persendirian. Didorong oleh keazaman dan semangatnya yang tinggi, beliau mengambil kursus Diploma Pentadbiran Awam, ITM secara luar kampus ITM dan setelah melalui pelbagai cabaran beliau akhirnya berjaya mendapatkan Diploma. Dia sangat mencintai pekerjaannya sebagai posmen. Walaupun telah mempunyai Diploma dia meneruskan kerjaya sebagai posmen.

Di kawasan dia bertugas, dia amat disukai oleh masyarakat setempat lantaran sikapnya yang murah hati, baik hati dan jujur.

Oleh kerana kursus ADBS(HRM) tidak menawarkan program luar kampus atau sambilan, Ghaz telah mengambil cuti tanpa gaji selama 2 tahun.

Perkara yang paling melucukan tentang Ghaz ialah dia seorang buta huruf komputer (computer illeterate). Dalam tugasan secara kumpulan, dia sanggup untuk melakukan apa sahaja kerja yang disuruh seperti membeli minuman, membuat salinan fotokopi atau berjumpa orang di sana sini tetapi jangan beri tugasan yang menggunakan komputer. Semua tugasan kursus (assignment) peribadi dibuat dengan tulisan tangan.

Kami berkongsi masa untuk membantunya menyiapkan tugasan (praktikal) bagi subjek Computer Application. Ajarlah dia apa sahaja tentang menaip di komputer seperti SHIFT, ENTER, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, SPACE dan sebagainya, dia tidak akan ingat. Alhamdulillah, dengan bantuan rakan sekelas, dia berjaya melepasi (lulus) subjek tersebut termasuk praktikal.
Walaupun dia tertinggal satu semester dengan kami (Batch No 6) kerana terpaksa mengambil semula beberapa subjek, akhirnya Ghaz berjaya mencapai cita-citanya berjalan menaiki pentas untuk mengambil ijazahnya.

Selepas tamat pengajiannya, beliau kembali ke Ipoh dan meneruskan pekerjaan lama sebagai seorang posmen. Walau bagaimanapun, aku mendapat tahu bahawa Ghaz telah dinaikkan ke jawatan pengurusan. Aku tidak dapat  menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya di Ipoh tetapi beberapa orang rakan sekelas telah hadir. Aku juga mendengar bahawa Ghaz (ketika meninggal dunia) telah mempunyai 2 orang anak.

Allah telah mengambil nyawanya sebelum dia sempat membesarkan anak-anaknya. Aku kehilangan seorang sahabat baik yang sentiasa ceria. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham Mohd Ghazali bin Ibrahim.


Setelah selesai pengajian, kelas kami beberapa kali sahaja mengadakan reunion. Bagaimanapun semakin lama semakin sukar kerana masing-masing telah mempunyai keluarga dan keluarga semakin membesar selain dari lokasi tempat tinggal yang berjauhan.

Reunion yang terakhir di sebuah restoran di Wangsa Maju pada tahun 2008


Nama-nama Ketua Kajian dan Dekan Fakulti Perniagaan dan Pengurusan sejak kali pertama aku memasuki ITM (kemudiannya UITM) pada tahun 1986 ialah:

(1)    Prof Dr Ghazali bin Abdullah.
(2)    Prof Madya Hj Abdullah bin Ghazali.
(3)    Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Tahir bin Abdul Hamid.
(4)    Prof Dr Zaini bin Ahmad.
(5)    Prof Dr Hajah Faridah binti Abu Hasan.
(6)    Prof Dr Hajah Noormala binti Dato' Amir Ishak.
(7)    Prof Madya Dr Hajah Siti Halijjah binti Shariff (terkini)

 Bersama Prof Madya Norminsham binti Abd Karim, Timbalan Dekan FPP UITM. pensyarahku untuk subjek Business Comm (Public Speaking) (Part 2). Bertemu semasa Mesyuarat Agung Alumni Fakulti Perniagaan dan Pengurusan di Shah Alam pada 2 November 2019.


Pada 29 Mac 2020, ketika Negara sedang melalui tempoh getir akibat serangan wabak Nobel Coronavirus atau COVID-19, aku menerima berita kehilangan seorang lagi sahabat sekuliah dalam kursus ini iaitu Haji Mohamad Fazly bin Yusof dari Johor Bahru. Fazly (panggilan mesranya Black) meninggal dunia setelah dikesan dihinggapi COVID-19  dan dikuarantin di Hospital Enche Besar Kalsom, Kluang. Almarhum merupakan mangsa COVID-19 yang ke 32 meninggal dunia sejak kematian pertama di Sarawak pada 17 Mac 2020. Berikut adalah kenyataan dari Astro Awani.

“Kes kematian ke ke-32 (kes ke-1239) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 50 tahun. Beliau mempunyai latar belakang penyakit darah tinggi. Beliau merupakan peserta perhimpunan Seri Petaling. Beliau dirawat Hospital Enche’ Besar Hjh Kalsom, Johor pada 22 Mac 2020. Beliau disahkan meninggal dunia pada 28 Mac 2020 jam 7.44 malam”

Semoga Allah limpahi rahmat dan keampunan ke atas ruh almarhum.

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