1 JUN 1958 - 31 DIS
Blogpage ini bukan bertujuan untuk memaparkan betapa
banyaknya pesawat TUDM yang jatuh terhempas sejak TUDM ditubuhkan. Pesawat
jatuh, samada pesawat komersil, peribadi atau awam jatuh adalah fenomena biasa
di mana-mana negara di dunia ini. Anda boleh membaca wikipedia atau melihat
youtube di mana pesawat yang canggih dan sophisticated yang diterbangkan oleh
juruterbang berpengalaman juga jatuh terhempas.
Tulisan ini adalah satu inisiatif untuk merekodkan catatan
sejarah yang sukar diperolehi. Kita tidak pernah menemui mana-mana buku sejarah
atau membaca artikel yang membolehkan kita memperingati rakan-rakan kita yang
telah terkorban dalam kemalangan pesawat, sama ada dalam latihan atau dalam
Biasanya kalau berlaku kemalangan pesawat yang melibatkan
juruterbang komersil atau pusat latihan penerbangan awam, tidak banyak
publisiti yang ditunjukkan oleh akhbar atau media elektronik. Paling lama 2
hari, cerita akan ditutup. Namun, jika kemalangan yang berlaku melibatkan
pesawat TUDM, ia menarik banyak pihak, dan kebanyakannya memberikan kenyataan
yang bersifat negatif, sensitif dan 'emotional'. Kita mungkin tidak menyalahkan akhbar, kerana
itulah perniagaan mereka. Wartawan perlu
memaparkan cerita sensasi untuk meningkatkan edaran. Akhbar mahu pembaca sentiasa menunggu apa
sambungan cerita 'kemalangan' dalam akhbar keesokan hari. Apa kata Menteri?, apa kata PTU?, apa kata
keluarga dan kawan-kawan pilot yang terkorban itu?, apa kata kekasih dia?
Pembaca akan merasa seronok kalau ada kenyataan yang
menyebut bahawa kemalangan adalah disebabkan oleh teknikal atau arahan salah
yang terpaksa dipatuhi. Kalau kesilapan
pilot pun, mereka akan sedap menyatakan bahawa pilot ini tidak cukup latihan.
Kadangkala, pilot TUDM dianggap seperti malaikat yang tidak
pernah membuat kesilapan, pesawat TUDM dianggap seperti tikar terbang Do Re Mi
yang tak mungkin mengalami kerosakan dan tak mungkin boleh jatuh terhempas.
'Public' menuduh pilot TUDM tidak profesional, pesawat TUDM tidak lagi relevan,
juruteknik TUDM tidak berkemampuan, penyelenggaraan pesawat tidak dilaksanakan
dengan betul, pesawat TUDM menggunakan alat ganti yang tidak asli (bogus) dan
pelbagai tuduhan lagi.
Keadaan bertambah keruh apabila 'Lembaga Penyiasatan'
membuat penilaian dan mendapati punca sesuatu kemalangan berpunca dari 'pilot
errors' maka saudara-mara seperti tidak mahu menerima kenyataan, menuduh TUDM
cuba melepaskan beban kepada orang yang sudah mati. Mereka tak mahu menyalahkan
anak mereka. Anak mereka tidak bersalah,
anak mereka tidak akan mebuat kesilapan atau tidak pernah mengingkari arahan
atau peraturan penerbangan. Inilah dilemma TUDM.
Biar apa pun punca kemalangan, mereka yang telah pergi
adalah sahabat-sahabat kita, saudara kita, sebahagiannya pernah sama-sama
bertugas, mungkin semasa menjalani latihan kedet duduk satu blok, atau satu
dorm, atau lebih rapat lagi satu double-decker, atau pernah terbang sebagai
kapten atau co-pilot, sama-sama 'enjoy' semasa hidup di Mes Pegawai dan
mengalami kesusahan dan kesenangan bersama.
Baru beberapa minit usik mengusik di crew room, tak sampai setengah jam
kemudian, gusi ketawa tadi pun belum kering lagi, berita kemalangan dan
kematian yang diterima.
Saya juga maklum bahawa mungkin catatan saya ini akan
menyentuh perasaan mana-mana ahli keluarga kepada individu yang terlibat dalam
mana-mana kemalangan udara yang dipaparkan.
Sekiranya berlaku demikian, sila emelkan kepada saya supaya nama-nama
individu tersebut akan saya padamkan dari catatan saya.
Saya berpandangan positif kerana dengan membaca atau
terbaca nama-nama mereka di bawah, akan boleh mengingatkan kita (rakan-rakan,
saudara mara atau anak cucu) untuk mendoakan mereka agar ruh mereka (yang
beragama islam) akan dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah azzawajalla. Kalau kita
teringat kesilapan mereka, kita akan jadikan sempadan, usah diperkatakan lagi.
Hapuskan rasa dendam peribadi. Kita kenanglah jasa mereka, kebaikan mereka,
perbualkanlah kebaikan mereka. Maafkanlah segala kesalahan mereka dan doakan
kesejahteraan roh mereka.
Data/maklumat di bawah saya perolehi dari pelbagai sumber,
akhbar, majalah, website, arkib akhbar-akhbar lama dan sebagainya. Terima kasih
kepada rakan-rakan yang membantu memberikan sumbangan berita dan juga memperbetulkan
fakta yang salah. Masih banyak yang tidak lengkap. Saya juga mengharapkan
pembaca yang mempunyai maklumat yang lebih tepat untuk membantu saya..
Dalam usaha mengumpulkan maklumat berkaitan kemalangan
pesawat TUDM saya mendapat sokongan dan bantuan dari seorang rakan facebook
yang memmpunyai minat yang tinggi mengumpulkan keratan akhbar berkaitan TUDM
sejak peringkat awal TUDM (TUDP) ditubuhkan.
Beliau ialah Kapt Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin Ibrahim, Pegawai Pelajaran
Daerah Kinta Selatan, Perak.
Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih di atas sumbangan yang amat
bernilai dari beliau.
Sejarah adalah sejarah.
Ada sejarah bersifat negatif ada yang positif. Ia akan menjadi pengajaran kepada generasi
mendatang. Semoga tidak akan ada insan-insan yang menggunakan maklumat dalam
blog ini untuk membuat cerita negatif, kepentingan diri, bahan gimik
berpolitik, memperlekehkan organisasi TUDM atau sebagainya. Usah berseronok dengan penderitaan orang
1 JUN - 31 DIS 1958
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1959
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1960
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1961
24 October 1961
Pada 24 Oktober 1961 sebuah pesawat terbang satu enjin
jenis Scottish Aviation Single Pioneer Tentera Udara DiRaja Persekutuan (Royal
Malayan Air Force) telah jatuh terhempas di sempadan Pahang-Selangor yang
berhutan tebal dan berbukit bukau, lebih kurang tiga batu menghala ke timur
laut Batu 22 jalanraya Kuala Lumpur-Bentong mengorbankan 4 anggota TUDP dan
seorang anggota dari Regimen Semboyan Persekuatan. Nama-nama mereka yang
terkorban ialah:
Juruterbang: Pilot Officer I. Sachitananathan (28),
Pembantu Juruterbang: Pilot Officer Ong Eng Hye (21)
Aircraftsman: Prebet Mustapha bin Yaa’cob (19)
Aircraftsman: Prebet Ibrahim bin Tajuddin (19)
Anggota Rejimen Semboyan: L/Kpl Mohammed Nor bin Yusuf (31)
Pesawat yang hangus terbakar itu telah dijumpai di lereng
bukit yang ‘rugged’ selepas jam 10.00 pagi oleh anggota Batalion Kelima Askar
Melayu DiRaja.
Gerakan mencari dan menyelamat dari udara dan darat
melibatkan 1,500 orang yang terdiri daripada anggota tentera darat, polis,
orang asli dan anggota TUDP sendiri. Gerakan mencari dan menyelamat dibantu
oleh tiga orang petani Cina yang melihat kejadian itu. Mereka ialah Chin Sun,
Loo Ying Wah dan Ng Sin.
Semua mayat telah dibawa ke Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur
untuk dibedah siasat sebelum dikebumikan.
Empat daripada mereka yang terkorban itu didapati terbaring
di sisi pesawat terbang yang malang itu. Kedudukan mereka berdekatan dengan
enjin pesawat. Mereka mati serta merta di tempat kejadian.
Pilot Officer Ong Eng Hye, pembantu juruterbang dijumpai
150 ela daripada bangkai pesawat, berhampiran dengan sebatang anak sungai.
Kedudukan mayat Pilot Officer Ong Eng Hye menunjukkan beliau cuba merangkak
keluar daripada pesawat terbang, tetapi kemudiannya rebah tidak jauh daripada
pesawat terbang yang malang itu dan meninggal dunia.
Pilot Officer Ong Eng Hye dijangka akan berkahwin dengan
seorang Inspektor polis wanita bernama Blossom Wong yang berasal dari Ipoh pada
hujung tahun tersebut.
Pesawat terbang tersebut terlanggar pokok sebelum jatuh
terhempas ke tanah. Pesawat terbang tersebut patah dua. Bahagian ekor pesawat
kelihatan terpisah sejauh 20 ela daripada badan pesawat. Enjin dan sayap kiri
berada berdekatan antara satu sama lain. Sayap sebelah kanan pesawat tidak
dijumpai. Serpihan pesawat bertaburan sekitar 25 ela garispusat.
Penerbangan pesawat terbang yang malang itu bertujuan untuk
mencari satu kumpulan 72 orang pendaki bukit yang sesat yang akhirnya didapati
keluar daripada kawasan hutan tebal dan berbukit bukau tersebut dengan selamat
selepas kejadian pesawat yang malang itu terhempas. Ini adalah merupakan
kemalangan maut pertama TUDP selepas ia ditubuhkan pada 1 Jun 1958.
(Sumber berita adalah ehsan dari Kapt Dr Ahmad Damanhuri
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1962
25 April 1962
One RMAF Single Pioneer aircraft force landed near
Bentong's Waterworks Gap. Both pilot
were safe. Both pilots, Flt Lt A.A.H Wright and PO Maxmillian A Theseira (24)
were safe with minor injuries. Theseira retired from TUDM in the rank of
Kolonel TUDM.
Maklumat adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin
27 Jun 1962
Sebuah pesawat jenis Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer (FM
1067) TUDP jatuh terhempas di Fort Tapong, Perak dan mengalami kerosakan yang
teruk. Kapten pesawat yang terhempas ialah Flying Officer Mohamad bin Ngah Said
manakala co-pilotnya Flying Officer Choy
Yoon Hoong (bekas ahli Kelab Penerbangan Perak). Pilot, co-pilot serta 12 orang
penumpang yang terdiri anggota Pasukan Polis Hutan PTM terselamat. Laporan
kecederaan juga tidak diperolehi. Pesawat itu tidak boleh digunakan lagi
(written off). Pesawat ini merupakan
pesawat yang baru tiba di KL dari United Kingdom pada 2 Jun 1962. Maklumat ini
adalah sumbangan dari Kapten Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin Ibrahim.
30 August 1962
One RMAF Cessna 310F aircraft crash-landed at the runawayof
Kuala Lumpur. The VIP aircraft which was
on training flight faced technical problem, dived and banged the terminal
builidng. The pilot, Flying Officer Aziz bin Hassan suffered minor injury.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1963
1963 (Tarikh tepat tidak diperolehi)
Sebuah pesawat jenis Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer (FM
1002) TUDP jatuh terhempas di Fort Tapong, Perak dan mengalami kerosakan yang
teruk. Kapten pesawat yang terhempas ialah Flight Lieutenant Mohamed bin Taib
manakala co-pilotnya Flying Officer
Arthur Chia. Pilot, co-pilot serta penumpang (termasuk PO Eugene Cross (EO)
terselamat. Laporan kecederaan juga tidak diperolehi. Pesawat ini merupakan
pesawat yang baru dibeli dari United Kingdom pada Jun 1962.
Maklumat ini adalah sumber dari Mej Eugene Cross (B) dalam
facebook Veteran Tentera Udara. Rujuk juga buku "Flying Dragon' karangan
Squadron Leader Paul Monty Choy Yoon Hong, RMAF (Retired), 2014.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1964
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1965
22 Jan 1965
One RMAF Alouette 103 helicopter from No 5 Sqn RMAF Labuan
air base crashed in Sabah. The pilot,
one senior Army officer and three other passengers in the aircraft escaped
death. The crash killed one of the passenger, Major Keith Milner (Staff Officer
of 5th Brigade). The pilot was Flt Lt
Mohamad bin Ngah Said and the senior officer is the 5th Brigade Commander, Brig
Gen Tunku Ahmad bin Tunku Besar Burhanuddin (37),the other survived passengers
were Dato H George (Sabahan), Lt Col Abdul Jamil Ahmad (CO of 1 RMR Bn in
Tawau) and Mr Anthony Lamb from Public Works Dept.
Maklumat adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin
14 Jun 1965
One RMAF Alouette 103 helicopter crash landed on the grass
verge beside the KL International Airport, Subang and escaped intensive
damage. Both pilot and co-pilot were
safe and unhurt.
Maklumat adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1966
6 Jan 1966
One Piston Provost (training) aircraft crash-landed on the
padi field at Kuala Nerang, Kedah (about
21 miles from Alor Setar during the training exercise. The aircraft was badly damaged but the
student Pilot Officer Lam Barn Hong safe unhurt. later, Robert Lam faced a trial in Court
Martial under 3 charges of arising out of crash. However on 23 April 1966, the court acquitted
him from the charges.
Berita akhbar asal adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri
bin Ibrahim.
PETALING JAYA, 23 Jan 2010: Former newscaster Robert Lam
Barn Hoong passed away Saturday after being stricken with skin cancer for more
than three months. Lam, 64, passed away at 5.15am at the Universiti Malaya
Medical Centre. Lam dedicated the last
ten years of his life to charitable and church works.
Lam had served three years from 1965 as a RMAF pilot flying
the Pioneer aircraft after being commissioned from the Royal Military College’s
Intake Six a year earlier. He then left for England to pursue a career in
insurance management and public speaking. Lam later returned home to read
prime-time news for 23 years on TV3, RTM and TV8 Metrovision.
1 Nov 1966
One RMAF Scootish Aviation Single Pioneer aircraft has been missing during its routine
tasking of visiting three jungle forts in Perak-Kelantan border. It is believe
that the aircarft landed at Fort Legap and was missing while on the way to Fort
Chabai and Fort Kemar. The pilot, Pilot Officer Ch'ng Ching Lee and a passenger
known as Mr David Gnanapaul (an air control officer) were in the aircraft.
The search and rescue operations involved RMAF aircrafts,
army battalions, Police Force and also orang Asli from the nearby fortswas
carried out. After 10 days the SAR
operations was ceased and they failed to
locate the crashed (missing) aircraft until TODAY.
Maklumat adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin Ibrahim.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1967
13 Jan 1967
One RMAF DHC4 Caribou aircraft (M21-02) from No 8 Skn, RMAF
Labuan crashed at Meligan Airstrip,
Sabah (59 miles south west of Labuan) on Friday noon, 13 Jan 1967. The pilot, Flt Lt Arthur Cheah Nee Wah, Air
Despatcher Perumal and six other passengers were managed to fled out and
survived. Cheah and Perumal were only suffered minor injuries. However the
co-pilot, Pilot Officer Teoh Seng Wah
from Kuala Lumpur was killed. The aircraft
which was on an operational supply mission was badly damaged (beyond repair).
20 Okt 1967
One RMAF Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer aircraft crashed at
Bukit Dayak, Pahang-Perak border (about 30km from Bidor) and killed its pilot, Flt Lt Buang bin Ahmad
(26, from N. Sembilan), co-pilot Plt Offr Chia Siew Hong (21, from KL) and two
dispatchers from 8 Air Dispatch Coy, Taiping, Prebet Ibrahim Hj Ismail (22,
from Penang) and Prebet Raffie bin Mohamed Ibrahim (22, from NS).
Pada hari Jumaat 20 Oktober 1967 sebuah pesawat terbang
TUDM jenis Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer telah jatuh terhempas di Bukit Dayak,
Pahang Darul Makmur mengorbankan empat anggota TUDM. Mereka ialah Flight Lt.
Buang bin Ahmad, juruterbang. Pilot Officer Chia Siew Hong, pembantu
juruterbang dan dua orang ‘dispatchers’ Prebet Ibrahim bin Haji Ismail dan
Prebet Raffie bin Mohamed. Bukit Dayak terletak di sebuah kawasan berhutan
tebal di sempadan Negeri Perak - Pahang antara Betau-Bidor, iaitu 30 batu dari
Flight Lt. Buang bin Ahmad. Flight Lt. Buang bin Ahmad
berasal dari Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus.Beliau dilahirkan pada tahun 1941.
Ketika kejadian beliau berumur 26 tahun. Beliau merupakan anak lelaki sulung
kepada pasangan Encik Ahmad bin Haji Ali dan isterinya Puan Erah binti Karto.
En. Ahmad bin Ali adalah seorang sarjan detektif polis. Flight Lt. Buang bin
Ahmad sudah beristeri dan mempunyai seorang anak perempuan berumur setahun
bernama Aileen Buang. Isteri beliau bernama Puan Annie Chew Yoon Fong berumur
25 tahun ketika itu. Jenazah beliau telah selamat dikebumikan di Tanah
Perkuburan Islam, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.
Flight Lt. Buang bin Ahmad telah berkhidmat dengan TUDM
selama tujuh tahun. Beliau merupakan salah seorang juruterbang TUDM yang
pertama dihantar ke New Zealand untuk mengikuti latihan penerbangan lanjutan.
Ketika kejadian beliau berkhidmat dengan Skuadron Pertama TUDM. Pada tahun 1963
sewaktu berpangkat Pilot Officer, beliau bersama-sama Flight Lt. Barclay telah
menerbangkan pesawat terbang TUDM jenis de Havilland Heron FM 1054 dari United
Kingdom ke Pengkalan Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Beliau
bertindak sebagai pembantu juruterbang. Selain daripada itu, Flight Lt. Buang
bin Ahmad telah diamanahkan untuk menerima Panji-panji DiRaja TUDM daripada
Yang Di Pertuan Agong dalam satu upacara Penyerahan Panji-Panji DiRaja Kepada
TUDM pada 14 Mac 1967.
Pilot Officer Chia Siew Hong. Pilot Officer Chia Siew Hong,
pembantu juruterbang berasal dari Kuala Lumpur. Beliau tinggal di No. 16, Jalan
Kandang Kerbau, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. Beliau berumur 21 tahun dan masih
bujang. Beliau adalah anak kepada Encik Chia Sum. Beliau menerima sayap
penerbangan pada bulan Februari 1967 dari Sekolah Latihan Penerbangan TUDM Alor
Setar. Beliau berkhidmat dengan Skuadron Pertama TUDM. Tun Abdul Razak bin
Dato’ Hussein, Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia pada masa itu bekata, beliau pernah
sekali menaiki pesawat terbang jenis Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer TUDM yang
dipandu oleh Pilot Officer Chia Siew Hong. Tun Abdul Razak berkata kepada bapa
Pilot Officer Chia, En. Chia Sum, “He is a nice, brave boy”. Mayat mendiang
Pilot Officer Chia Siew Hong telah dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Cina, Jalan
Lapangan Terbang Lama, Kuala Lumpur.
Prebet Ibrahim bin Haji Ismail berasal dari Pulau Pinang.
Berumur 22 tahun ketika kejadian. Beliau berkhidmat dengan 8 Air Dispatch
Company of The Malaysian Service Corp. Jenazahnya dikebumikan di Tanah
Perkuburan Islam Tanjong Tokong Pulau Pinang.
Prebet Raffie bin Mohamed berasal dari Negeri Sembilan
Darul Khusus. Beliau juga berkhidmat dengan 8 Air Despatch Company of The
Malaysian Service Corp.
Semua mereka yang terkorban telah berjasa kepada agama,
bangsa dan negara. Gugur sebagai bunga bangsa dan juga sebagai WIRA UDARA.
Kepada semua mangsa yang beragama Islam kita sedekahkan al-Fatihah semoga roh
mereka dicucuri rahmat dan termasuk dalam kalangan mereka yang beriman dan
beramal soleh serta meninggal dunia dalam keadaan syahid dunia dan akhirat. Jauhkan
mereka daripada siksaan kubur dan siksaan api neraka serta tempatkanlah mereka
ke dalam syurga, syurga yang paling tinggi darjatnya di sisi Allah.
(Ehsan: facebook Dr Ahmad Damanhuri Ibrahim)
8 Nov 1967
One RMAF Alouette III helicopter (FM 1081) exploded in the
air and crashed down near Sentul Golf Club, Kuala Lumpur and killed on the
persons on board. The ilfated pilots were Plt Offr Zainal Abidin bin Hanafi
(aircraft captain) and Plt Offr Mohammad
Shir bin Mohammad Ali (co-pilot) and . The other casualtis were 7
aborigines from aborigines settlement
near Kuantan (Batin Seman bin Jani 40, Midah binti Kassim 23, Razali 7, Ramlee
3, Suraya 18 months, Acheh bin Kelomang 10 and Munah binti Kelomang 13).
This was the first fatal crash involving RMAF newly
purchased Alouette III helicopter.
The helicopter was on tasking to send back the group of
aborigines after getting medical treatment at Gombak Hospital. This is the first air crash involved RMAF
Alloutte III helicopter. Zainal Abidin planned to get married with his fiancee
Fauziah binti Dato' Abd Rahman on 24 November (14 more days after the fatal
13 Dis 1967
A RMAF Single Pioneer plane on training flight crashed in
the jungle about 25 miles from Kuantan, killing its pilot. The pilot, who was
trapped in the burning aircraft, was identified as Flt Lt Alexander Campbell,
37, a Canadian serving in the RAF and on loan to the RMAF.
The wreckage of the plane was scattered around a small area
at the foot of a hill. Its engine and cockpit were in flames – two hours after
the crash. Firemen who reached the burning plane were unable to put out the
flames due to the shortage of extinguishers. Their fire-engines had to be left
near the main road. All the rescue
teams, including the firemen, had to make a four mile jungle trek to reach the
aircraft. The seriously injured pilot was brought out and flown to RAF Changi
Hospital in Singapore.
An hour after being airborne, the control station at the
RMAF base here lost contact with the pilot. The Kuala Lumpur based plane was on
its way to Kuantan, believed to be on a training flight, when it crashed at
Gambang at about 10.30 am.
A five-man board of inquiry, headed by Wing Commander
Gordon Harvey, has started investigations into the cause of the crash.
with courtesy of Kapt Dr Ahmad Damanhuri
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1968
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1969
25 Apr 1969
The Alouette 111 aircraft from No 5 Sqn based in Labuan
Base was on its routine flight when it
crashed 15 miles from Bintulu (250 miles from Kuching). The
accident killed all 2 aircrews and 2
passengers. The pilot was Kapt (RMR)
Mahmood bin Mohamed Zain (27) from Kelantan and co-pilot was Sqn Ldr Abdul
Jalil bin Shamsudin (28) from Perak. Sqn
Ldr Abdul Jalil bin Shamsudin was undergoing his helicopter conversion from
fixed-wing. The other two were Corporal T. Balakrishnan (27) and Junior
Technician Nasaruddin bin Hj Yahaya (26), both from KL.
The crashed aircraft was in flight from Kuching to Labuan
and at the time the fatal aircraft found by an Iban personnel, all the killed
crews still strapped on their seats.
(thanks to retired RMAF Capt Jamil Shariff for his updated
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1970
30 Mac 1970
One RMAF Caribou DHC4 aircraft (M21-10) with 3 aircrews and
15 passengers on boards crashed into the sea at Cowie Harbour, Telok Cowie,
Tawau, Sabah. 10 passengers were killed in the crash (mostly form 4th
RMR). The pilot, Flying Offr Lee Hong
Seng, his co-pilot Pilot Officer Wee Eng Lee and 6 other passengers were
survived and rescued. This was the worst tragedy in the first 12 years since
the establishment of RMAF in 1958. I heard about this when I was in Std 5
primary school. Keratan akhbar asal
adalah sumbangan dari Dr Ahmad Damanhuri bin Ibrahim.
The list of dead:
Kapt Dr John C. Ramanathan
Warrant Officer Ahmad bin Saad
SSgt Raymond Phayer (British Army)
SSgt Yahya bin Ibrahim
Sgt Razali bin Ariffin
Sgt Buang bin Kassim
Sgt Zainuddin bin Mohd Yusof
LCpl Alias bin Ibrahim
LCpl Kamarulzaman bin Mohd Yusof
Signaller Aw Yong Fatt
5 Dis 1970
One RMAF Hunting Percival Piston Provost on training flight
crash landed at Kampung Gadong Jaya, 14 miles from Seremban. The pilot, Flying Officer Chan Poh Sam overted a major disaster when he skillfully
avoided a car and children crowd and
finally landed his aircraft on the gravel road.
Chan retired from the RMAF in early 1900 in the rank of Lt kol TUDM.
Note: I first met Lt Kol Chan P.S when I
was serving in RMAF Kuantan in 1983 where at that time he was the OC No 4 Sqn
(PC130H) based in Kuantan before moved to new Subang Base in 1984.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1971
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1972
11 Mac 1972
One RMAF Sikorsky S61N Nuri (FM11-44) from No 10 Sqn RMAF Kuantan, crashed in
Kampung Gambang, about 10km from the RMAF Base Kuantan. The Nuri aircraft was
returning to Kuantan from Sempang Airfield (KL)
on a Navigation Training sortie. The aircraft caught fire in mid-air and
burned all the way to the ground to crash near Kampong Pulau Manis, Gambang and
killing all on board. The aircraft captain was Flying Officer Lim Bok Chun and
his co-pilot was Kapt (RMR) Ramli were killed. Also killed were Flt Lt Lim
Cheng Kim, a fighter pilot who was a passenger on that flight (need further
info to complete the fact) and the AQM Air Sgt Ragupathy.
(with the courtesy of retired Air Capt Jamil Shariff and
Maj (R) Musa bin Hassan- thank you Sirs for your correction).
30 Ogos 1972
One RMAF CL41G Tebuan jet aircraft based in RMAF Kuantan
skidded on two wheel after itsport under-carriage wheel was malfunctioned
during touch down at Subang Airport. The pilot, Flt Lt Abdul Aziz bin Ramli
managed to control the aircraft and stopped safely. The jet was on fly-past practice in the
preparation for the 15th National Day anniversary on the next day.
24 Okt 1972
One RMAF trainee pilot,
Lt M (U) Tengku Mohd Yusoff bin Tengku Hussein, 19 and his instructor Lt
Col R.L Robinson, 43 (from US Marine Corps) were killed when a Bell-47
helicopter (belong to the SEA Helicopters (M) Sdn Bhd on training flight sliced a high tension wire and crashed into
the hillside in deep jungle near Ulu Langat.
Those years all the RMAF helicopter pilots were trained by SEA
Helicopters (M) Sdn Bhd until RMAF established its own helicopter flying school
at KL Air Base.
Keratan akhbar sumbangan Kapt Dr Ahmad Damanhuri Ibrahim
Pada 24 Oktober 1972 sebuah helikopter jenis Bell 47G (gambar)
milik South East Asia Helicopter telah jatuh terhempas di sebuah lereng bukit
berhutan tebal di Ulu Langat Selangor. Helikopter tersebut terhempas setelah
terlanggar kabel elektrik voltan tinggi di kawasan lereng bukit tersebut.
Kemalangan helikopter ini telah mengorbankan dua orang
juruterbang. Mereka ialah Lt. Colonel R.L. Robinson, 43 tahun, jurulatih
penerbangan dan juruterbang pelatih TUDM, 2nd Lt Tengku Mohamed Yusof bin
Tengku Hussein, 19 tahun. Lt Col R.L. Robinson adalah bekas juruterbang Marin
Amerika Syarikat.
Adalah dipercayai bahawa jurulatih penerbangan dan
juruterbang pelatih tersebut terbunuh akibat terkena kejutan elektrik apabila
bilah kipas utama helikopter tersebut melibas kabel elektik voltan tinggi di
lereng bukit tersebut.
Helikopter tersebut yang sedang membuat penerbangan latihan
berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang TUDM Sungai Besi pada jam 8.00 pagi dan
terhempas pada jam 8.12 pagi.
Lembaga Letrik Negera (LLN) (sekarang Tenaga Nasional
Berhad (TNB) melaporkan bahawa bekalan elektrik di kawasan Ulu Langat telah
terputus mulai jam tersebut. Keadaan cuaca adalah berkabus semasa kemalangan.
Ketua Turus TUDM ketika itu, Dato’ Sulaiman Sujak
menyatakan bahawa inilah pertama kali juruterbang pelatih TUDM terbunuh sewaktu
menjalani latihan penerbangan.
(Ehsan: facebook Kapt Dr Ahmad Damanhuri Ibrahim)
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1973
9 Mac 1973
At about 5:30 PM, Friday 9 March 1973 - One RMAF Bulldog
100B aircraft that was performing low level aerobatics at the air show to raise
funds for the Ex-Servicemen's Association, crashed while doing a “barrel roll”
near the RMAF Base Alor Star. The ex-fighter pilot, Flt Lt Hatta bin Ibrahim
(27 years) and six spectators on the ground were killed and five others
injured. Unofficial finding was that the pilot’s seat back rest had collapsed
backward when the aircraft was in the inverted position, inducing the pilot to
uncontrollably pull back the control column as he fell backward with the seat.
As a result, the aircraft was pulled through into the ground, as if a downward
loop was initiated. Hatta was then an
instructor pilot in RMAF Flying School.
Additional note: Flt Lt Hatta’s younger brother, Kapt (U)
Mohd Rashif bin Ibrahim was later years killed (1979) in a Tebuan jet during a
practice low level aerobatic, executing a “slow roll”. The aircraft crashed on
the RMAF Kuantan runway.
(with the courtesy of retired Air Capt Jamil Shariff- thank
you Sir for your correction).
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1974
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1975
Apr/Mei 1975
One RMAF Bulldog 100B aircraft from No. 1 Flying Training
School, RMAF Alor Setar which was on 'navigation high-low-high in the training
area was crash-landed at the newly replanted rubber estate near Kulim Golf Club
area due to technical problem. The
trouble happened at 350 feet height during climbing. The pilot instructor Kapt (U) Subramaniam was
able to take the aircraft control from his student, LtM(U) Abdul Jalil
Ashaari. Both safe and uninjured.
They were rescued and brought back to RMAF Alor Setar by
the RAAF helicopter pilot from RMAF Butterworth who received the May Day Call.
Thank you for the 'first hand info' from the person
involved in the above crash, LtM (U) Abdul Jalil bin Ashaari pada 4 Nov 2011.
10 Okt 1975
Sebuah pesawat S61A4 Nuri (FM 1711) dari No 10 Skn, TUDM
Kuantan telah jatuh terhempas di atas rimbunan pokok semasa melaksanakan
latihan fast roping untuk anggota tentera darat.
Juruterbangnya, Mej Lim Aik Peng dan ko-pilotnya Lt Senin
bin Jantan terselamat. Kesemua penumpang juga selamat kecuali seorang pegawai
Tentera Darat (pelatih) Lt Abd Razak yang cedera putus sebelah kakinya terkena
libasan main rotor blade.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1976
17 Feb 1976
One Tebuan (Canadair CL 41G) aircraft based at RMAF Kuantan
Base on training flight was crash landed
on the base runaway. The aircraft was completely burnt and write-off but the
pilo Lt M (Udara) Mokhyiddin bin Abu Bakar was survived (only minor injured).
Mokhyiddin retired from the RMAF in the rank of Lt Kol.
26 Apr 1976
One Nuri S61A in operations was fired down by the communist
terrorists mortar in the operation area at Gubir Kedah all 11 crews and
passenger were killed. The aircrews were Kapt Choo Yeok Boo, Kapt Mustafa Kamal
Mohd Shafie, Lt Chung Meng Teck, Lt Wan Munsiff bin Wan Salim. The late Kapt (U) Choo Yeok Boo was later
honoured with bravery medal, Panglima Gagah Berani (PGB)
Pada hari ini (26hb
April) dalam tahun 1976, Operasi ‘KOTA’ mencatat sejarah hitam apabila sebuah
helikopter Nuri Tentera Udara Di Raja
Malaysia (TUDM) yang membawa 11
Pegawai dan anggota pasukan keselamatan jatuh ditembak oleh peluru mortar pengganas komunis pada lebih kurang antara
pukul 10.00 hingga 10.30 pagi di Hutan Simpan Ulu Muda, Gubir, Kedah.
Helikopter tersebut dalam perjalanan ke
pos-pos tentera di perbatasan Malaysia-Thailand terbakar dan mengorbankan kesemua pegawai dan anggota
termasuk juruterbang. Perwira dan perajurit yang terkorban ialah:
1. Mej Haris Rejab,
2. Kapt (U) Mustaffa
Kamal Md Shaffie,
3. Kapt (U) Choo
Yeok Boo (kemudian dikurniakan PGB -posthumous),
4. Kapt Sulaiman bin
5. Lt Ibrahim
bin Zakaria,
6. Lt (U) Wan
Munsiff Wan Salim,
7. Lt (U) Chung Ming
8. Sjn (U) Leong Yee
9. Sarjan Khamis bin
10. Kpl Kamarulzaman Zakaria dan
11. L/Kpl Suandi bin Saim.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1977
8 Feb 1977
One RMAF pilot Lt
(U) Shahruddin bin Ishak killed in Alouette helicopter crashed.
Troops operating on the ground in thick jungle found the
wreckage of the RMAF Alouette helicopter and the bodies of the three victims
this morning.
They are the pilot Lt. Shahruddin Ishak, 26, Dr. Tan Lip
Tiong, 27, and Alang Pedik, 28 both from the Orang Asli medical centre in
Two others in the aircraft, Along Sinar, 23, and Akoi
Anjang, 24, survived with slight injuries when the Alouette crashed into a
mountainside, believed to be about 900 metres above sea level, during heavy
rain on Tuesday evening about 35 km north-east of here.
25 Mei 1977
Two RMAF pilot Kapt
(U) Lee Ngan Chai (instructor) and Lt Muda (U) Ismail bin Hj Abu Bakar
(trainee) were injured when their
Alouette helicopter crashed near new KL-Seremban Highway about 18km from
Kuala Lumpur while on a training flight.
According to the police statement, the helicopter hit the high tension
cable before it crashed about 30 metres from the road. The passers-by help both pilots intied and
pull out from the wreckage.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1978
18 Mei 1978
One RMAF Tebuan jet crashed into South China Sea near
Gebeng about 48 km from Kuantan andkilled its the pilot Lt M Mohd Jamil bin Dahalan (need to be
confirmed - record in RMAF Museum shown the date as 8 May).
1 Jun 1978
One F5E aircraft (22-13) crashed near Butterworth base -
the pilot Kapt (U) Jusof bin Embong ejected safely (need to be confirmed).
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1979
23 Jan 1979
A Tebuan jet on training flight crashed near Kemaman,
Terengganu and killed the pilot Lt M (U) Affandi bin Shamsuddin.
23 Mac 1979
One RMAF pilot and his AQM were killed in Alouette 103B
crashed at Kampong Bodoh, Semeriang, Kuching, Sarawak. The pilot was Lt (U)
Tengku Mahadzir bin Tengku Mukhtar and the name of the AQM was Sgt Ismail bin
4 Mei 1979
A pilot, Lt (U) ........ Singh s/o Harbajhan Singh, killed
when one F5E aircraft crashed near Butterworth air base (need to be verified)
18 Mei 1979
One RMAF Tebuan jet on routine flight at Kuantan Air Base
developed engine trouble, crashed into the South China Sea and killed its two
pilots, Kapt (U) Mohd Rashif bin Ibrahim and Lt M (U) Rosni bin Ismail (need to
be confirmed). Rashif is the younger brother of Hatta Ibrahim who was killed
Bulldog crashed in 1973.
There is aother version of story about this crash: Flt Lt
Hatta’s younger brother, Kapt (U) Mohd Rashif bin Ibrahim was later years
killed (1979) in a Tebuan jet during a practice low level aerobatic, executing
a “slow roll”. The aircraft crashed on the RMAF Kuantan runway.
(with the courtesy of retired Air Capt Jamil Shariff- thank
you Sir for your correction).
10 Dis 1979
One Alouette 103 helicopter of No 2, FTC TUDM Kluang crashed
during air test in the RMAF Kluang Base area and the pilot (an instructor),
Kapt (U) Wee Kang Beng was killed on the spot.
1 JAN - 31 DIS 1980
16 Mac 1980
one Bulldog 100B on training flight was crashed nearto RMAF
Alor Setar base and killed both the instructor pilot, Kapt (U) Haron bin Othman
and his trainee pilot, Lt M (U) Mad Noh bin Shafie.
19 Jul 1980
one S61A Nuri helicopter crashed near near Ipoh 18 survived
(injuries)- more information required.
23 Ogos 1980
one trainee pilot, Lt M (U) Mohd Ismail bin Mohd Saad killed in Bulldog training aircaft crash in
RMAF Kuantan Base.
23 Sep 1980
One RMAF fighter pilot, Lt Morgan a/l Christmas killed in
Tebuan aircraft crashed at RMAF Base Kuantan.
29 Nov 1980
Caribou (M21-12) crashed near Simanggang (Sri Aman). No
casualty but the aircraft damaged beyong repair.
M21-12 enroute from Balik Papan to Kuching, the aircraft
commander feathered the port engine and continued the flight on a single engine
using METO power due to Port IOC fluid low level warning light illumination.
The aircraft landed at Simanggang airstrip due to poor weather conditions at
Kuching. The port engine was restarted as the aircraft had a main wheel stuck
in the mud while turning for backtrack.
The aircraft commander decided to continue the flight after
7 pints of IOC fluid was replenished. STOL technique was used for take off.
Just after airborne the starboard feathering button light illuminated. The
aircraft becomes uncontrollable and started to yaw and bank to the right. All
corrective actions carried out by the aircraft commander to recover the
aircraft but failed and ended up crashed 1500 yds from the airstrip. Fortunately, there was no fatalities. the
aircraft was written off. (courtesy: Capt.Kalam bin Pie (RMAF)
Maklumat ini
adalah sumber dari Mej Eugene Cross (B) dalam facebook Veteran Tentera
Udara. Rujuk juga buku "Flying Dragon' karangan Squadron
Leader Paul Monty Choy Yoon Hong, RMAF (Retired), 2014.
Update: 23 September 1980 - One RMAF fighter pilot, Lt Morgan a/l Christmas killed in RMAF Tebuan aircraft crashed (need further information on the place and type of aircraft)
ReplyDeletePesawat Jet Tebuan
Lokasi: Terhempas di Pangkalan TUDM Kuantan
Terima kasih Anon 031205H SEP 2014
Delete23 August 1980 - one trainee pilot, Lt M (U) Mohd Ismail Mohd Saad killed in Bulldog training aircaft crash in RMAF Alor Setar (need to be clarified)
ReplyDelete- Crash kat TUDM Kuantan
caribou crashed in simanggang was on the 29th Sept 1980 n not on the 9th.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the correction. Allah bless you.
DeleteAssalamualaikum tuan. Nuri S61A-4 crash in secondary jungle kampung pulau manis gambang kuantan near airport.11 mac 1972.
ReplyDelete25 apr 1969 accident - alouette copter from no 5 sqn labuan
ReplyDeleteData sejarah yang tertinggal
ReplyDeletePada 10 okt 1975 pesawat nuri fm1711 dari 10sqn Kuantan terhempas di rimbunan pokok hutan simpan semasa latihan fast roping kursus asas taktikal pegawai di kem terendak melaka. Pilot adalah mejor AP Lim dan co pilot adalah Lt Senin jantan. Anak kapal dan penumpang terselamat kecuali Lt Razak (student officer army) putus sebelah kaki dilibas main rotor blade when aircraft drop vertically onto ground. Bangkai pesawat FM1711 kemudian disumbangkan ke kem gerakhas (PULPAK) untuk tujuan latihan memandangkan ia tidak boleh dibaiki lagi.
Sumber berita : news straits times 11 oct 1975
dan Jotting xnuri pilot- last resting place FM1711
Terima kasih tuan atas maklumat yang amat berharga ini. Saya akan amsukkan dalam senarai kemalangan.
DeleteI wrestled about commenting but being human.... I seem to remember that there was an side story to the crash of the Twin Pioneer of 20 Oct 1967 (mind you I was only 11 then). It was in relation to his funeral. There was an uproar because it was reported that he had converted to budhism before his death (there was even pictures of him praying to buddha in the newspapers)and some people refused to bury him as a muslim. It took some time to iron this problem out. I could be wrong because I am relying on a childhood memory and there is 1arge possibility it is wrong or connected to some other person. If so, I am very, very sorry for bringing it up.
ReplyDeleteTQVM Sir, I also read about that story, but they mentioned converted to Christ. I wrote (in short) in my article above but somebody emailed me and adviced me to delete that part of strory due to family sensitivity.
DeleteSaya pernah berkhidmat di bhg kejuruteraan MINDEF pada tahun 1994-1995. Pangkat masih Rikrut Udara memandangkan lepasan PLR Ipoh. Pada masa tsb ada staf yg menceritakan pengalaman bahawa dia pernah menaiki nuri dan crash di tangkak(jika tak silap). Ada pencerahan mengenainya tak?
ReplyDeleteA great reference for all. Thank you very much for your effort.