VUCA is an acronym—first used in 1987—to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations; drawing on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. The U.S. Army War College introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the Cold War. More frequent use and discussion of the term "VUCA" began from 2002 and derives from this acronym from military education. It has subsequently taken root in emerging ideas in strategic leadership that apply in a wide range of organizations, from for-profit corporations to education.
Teringat dulu-dulu, semasa aku menjadi Pegawai Muda (Leftenen Muda hingga Kapten) antara tahun 1981 hingga 1991, aku berkhidmat di TUDM Kuching, TUDM Kinrara, TUDM Kuching dan TUDM KL sebelum berhijrah ke MINDEF pada awal tahun 1992.
Waktu itu waktu kerja ialah antara jam 0800H hingga 1615H. Masa tu, bila dah habis waktu kerja, balik rumah, tiada siapa yang mengganggu kehidupan kita. Tiada kerja di bawa balik rumah.
Waktu itu, tiada komputer, semua kerja pejabat, rekod rekod perakaunan stok dan bin card dibuat secara manual. Surat menyurat masih menggunakan mesin taip. Tiada mesin pencetak komputer atau laser printer. Yang ada ialah mesin gelek kertas (cyclostyle machine- jenama GESTETNER) yang menggunakan kertas stencil (jenama ROBOT) dan dakwatnya seperti tooth paste.
Waktu itu, bila dah balik rumah adalah masa untuk keluarga. Jika ada talin telefon pun hanya untuk kegunaan urusan keluarga, sesekali sahaja ada telefon dari pejabat. Dalam setahun hanya sekali dua sahaja ada gangguan, iaitu jika ada PERSOP (Persediaan Operasi), itu pun land rover akan tanoy keliling kawasan quarters atau taman-taman perumahan yang ada banyak anggota tentera tinggal di situ.
Tiada handset atau mobile phone. Kehidupan selepas waktu kerja memang aman tenteram (peaceful). Tak ada OC atau CO yang panggil malam-malam.
Waktu itu, kalau mahu menulis surat atau arahan tadbir atau apa jua kertas kerja, pegawai akan membuat draf dengan tulisan tangan, serahkan kepada typist (jurutaip), bila siap, serah balik kepada pegawai untuk disemak. Jika ada salah atau buat pembetulan, typist akan taip balik semua sekali. Jika silap ejaan sahaja, typist akan padam guna liquid paper dan taip semua di atasnya. Zaman itu typist amat berguna dan kepakarannya dioptimised.
Itu baru bercakap tentang kerja-kerja di pejabat. Belum bercakap tentang sistem komunikasi dalam tentera.
Pada zaman Perang Dunia II, Jepun menyerang Tanah Melayu sekali lalu sahaja tanpa bantuan alat elektronik yang canggih. Tentera Berikat (Allied Forces) yang lebih dikenali dengan memiliki sistem dan kelengkapan perang yang lebih modern dan telah lama menjajah Asia, Afrika dan Amerika Latin dapat dikalahmusnahkan dalam beberapa hari sahaja.
Semasa zaman peperangan Malayan Insurgency antara tahun 1948 hingga 1960 dan berlarutan sehingga Perjanjian Damai Hatyaai 1989, anggota ATM yang bertempur dengan pasukkan gerila PKM hanya menggunakan senjata SLR, GPMG dan kemudiannya M16 sahaja, disamping senjata bantuan lain seperti Mortar dan Grenade launcher. Disamping itu alat komunikasi yang digunakan hanyalah tactical radio lama jenis PRC 77 yang terpaksa didokong oleh Signalman mendaki bukit dan menuruni lembah belukar sepanjang masa platun beroperasi di dalam hutan belantara.
Pun begitu, askar-askar kita tetap mampu menang mengekang PKM dari menguasai negara ini. Walaupun mereka dibantu dari belakang oleh rakan-rakan mereka dari Thailand dan mendapat sokongan moral dari PRC.
Zaman berubah.
Mobile phone mula popular dalam tahun 90an. Tapi handset pertama aku gunakan dalam tahun 2000 atau 2001.
Aku terbaca tentang fenomena VUCA dalam facebook salah seorang kenalanku. Lalu aku membuat minor research dalam internet untuk menambah faham lagi.
Banyak isu VUCA yang berkait rapat dengan kehidpan kita sehari-hari.
VUCA is an acronym—first used in 1987—to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations; drawing on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. The U.S. Army War College introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the Cold War. More frequent use and discussion of the term "VUCA" began from 2002 and derives from this acronym from military education. It has subsequently taken root in emerging ideas in strategic leadership that apply in a wide range of organizations, from for-profit corporations to education.
Teringat dulu-dulu, semasa aku menjadi Pegawai Muda (Leftenen Muda hingga Kapten) antara tahun 1981 hingga 1991, aku berkhidmat di TUDM Kuching, TUDM Kinrara, TUDM Kuching dan TUDM KL sebelum berhijrah ke MINDEF pada awal tahun 1992.
Waktu itu waktu kerja ialah antara jam 0800H hingga 1615H. Masa tu, bila dah habis waktu kerja, balik rumah, tiada siapa yang mengganggu kehidupan kita. Tiada kerja di bawa balik rumah.
Waktu itu, tiada komputer, semua kerja pejabat, rekod rekod perakaunan stok dan bin card dibuat secara manual. Surat menyurat masih menggunakan mesin taip. Tiada mesin pencetak komputer atau laser printer. Yang ada ialah mesin gelek kertas (cyclostyle machine- jenama GESTETNER) yang menggunakan kertas stencil (jenama ROBOT) dan dakwatnya seperti tooth paste.
Waktu itu, bila dah balik rumah adalah masa untuk keluarga. Jika ada talin telefon pun hanya untuk kegunaan urusan keluarga, sesekali sahaja ada telefon dari pejabat. Dalam setahun hanya sekali dua sahaja ada gangguan, iaitu jika ada PERSOP (Persediaan Operasi), itu pun land rover akan tanoy keliling kawasan quarters atau taman-taman perumahan yang ada banyak anggota tentera tinggal di situ.
Tiada handset atau mobile phone. Kehidupan selepas waktu kerja memang aman tenteram (peaceful). Tak ada OC atau CO yang panggil malam-malam.
Waktu itu, kalau mahu menulis surat atau arahan tadbir atau apa jua kertas kerja, pegawai akan membuat draf dengan tulisan tangan, serahkan kepada typist (jurutaip), bila siap, serah balik kepada pegawai untuk disemak. Jika ada salah atau buat pembetulan, typist akan taip balik semua sekali. Jika silap ejaan sahaja, typist akan padam guna liquid paper dan taip semua di atasnya. Zaman itu typist amat berguna dan kepakarannya dioptimised.
Itu baru bercakap tentang kerja-kerja di pejabat. Belum bercakap tentang sistem komunikasi dalam tentera.
Pada zaman Perang Dunia II, Jepun menyerang Tanah Melayu sekali lalu sahaja tanpa bantuan alat elektronik yang canggih. Tentera Berikat (Allied Forces) yang lebih dikenali dengan memiliki sistem dan kelengkapan perang yang lebih modern dan telah lama menjajah Asia, Afrika dan Amerika Latin dapat dikalahmusnahkan dalam beberapa hari sahaja.
Semasa zaman peperangan Malayan Insurgency antara tahun 1948 hingga 1960 dan berlarutan sehingga Perjanjian Damai Hatyaai 1989, anggota ATM yang bertempur dengan pasukkan gerila PKM hanya menggunakan senjata SLR, GPMG dan kemudiannya M16 sahaja, disamping senjata bantuan lain seperti Mortar dan Grenade launcher. Disamping itu alat komunikasi yang digunakan hanyalah tactical radio lama jenis PRC 77 yang terpaksa didokong oleh Signalman mendaki bukit dan menuruni lembah belukar sepanjang masa platun beroperasi di dalam hutan belantara.
Pun begitu, askar-askar kita tetap mampu menang mengekang PKM dari menguasai negara ini. Walaupun mereka dibantu dari belakang oleh rakan-rakan mereka dari Thailand dan mendapat sokongan moral dari PRC.
Zaman berubah.
Mobile phone mula popular dalam tahun 90an. Tapi handset pertama aku gunakan dalam tahun 2000 atau 2001.
Aku terbaca tentang fenomena VUCA dalam facebook salah seorang kenalanku. Lalu aku membuat minor research dalam internet untuk menambah faham lagi.
Apakah itu V.U.C.A?
VUCA adalah era distraktif atau era perubahan yang sangat
cepat. Ia dalah singkatan dari empat perkataan (vokebulari) berikut:
(1) V- Volatile (cepat berubah).
(2) U- Uncertanty (ketidakpastian atau ketidaktentuan).
(3) C- Complexity (kerumitan).
(4) A- Ambiguity (kekaburan atau tidak menentu)
Banyak isu VUCA yang berkait rapat dengan kehidpan kita sehari-hari.
(1) Dulu kena langgan talian telefon di rumah atau menggunakan pondok telefon di tepi-tepi jalan, sekarang kita bawa handphone ikut kita ke mana sahaja kita pergi.
(2) Dulu kita bersesak membeli-belah (shopping) di mall, sekarang shopping secara
(3) Dulu menggunakan teksi dan tahan teksi di tepi jalan, sekarang kita boleh panggil Grab Car datang depan pintu rumah.
(4) Dulu hantar kad Raya, setiap kali masuk bulan Ramadhan mula tempah atau beli beratus-ratus kad raya dan setem, sekarang semua hantar ucapan Raya melalui handphone.
(5) Dulu kena duduk baca akhbar atau tengok tv untuk mengetahui berita satu dunia, itu pun terhad, sekarang semua boleh diperolehi dari internet (google, explorer, chrome dan lain-lain search engine).
(6) Bila dah ada komputer, mula-mula table top, simpan data dalam floppy disk, kemudian compact disc, sekarang pen drive, lagi besar space guna external hard-disk.
Fenomena VUCA ini juga menyebabkan akan terjadinya ketidakpastian dimana terlalu banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Semunya serba kompleks.
(6) Bila dah ada komputer, mula-mula table top, simpan data dalam floppy disk, kemudian compact disc, sekarang pen drive, lagi besar space guna external hard-disk.
Fenomena VUCA ini juga menyebabkan akan terjadinya ketidakpastian dimana terlalu banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Semunya serba kompleks.
Ambigo juga antara kesan daripada fenomena era distraktif
atau VUCA ini. Ambiguity bermaksud serba tidak menentukan dalam segala
hal. Dimana yang suatu ketika kuat (jadi keperluan atau penggantungan) tiba-tiba hilang dan tidak diperlukan lagi.
The deeper meaning of each element of VUCA serves to
enhance the strategic significance of VUCA foresight and insight as well as the
behaviour of groups and individuals in organizations. It discusses systemic
failures and behavioural failures, which are characteristic of
organisational failure.
V = Volatility. The nature and dynamics of change, and the
nature and speed of change forces and change catalysts.
U = Uncertainty. The lack of predictability, the prospects
for surprise, and the sense of awareness and understanding of issues and
C = Complexity. The multiplex of forces, the confounding of
issues, no cause-and-effect chain and confusion that surrounds organization.
A = Ambiguity. The haziness of reality, the potential for
misreads, and the mixed meanings of conditions; cause-and-effect confusion.
These elements present the context in which organizations
view their current and future state. They present boundaries for planning and
policy management. They come together in ways that either confound decisions or
sharpen the capacity to look ahead, plan ahead and move ahead. VUCA sets the
stage for managing and leading.
The particular meaning and relevance of VUCA often relates
to how people view the conditions under which they make decisions, plan
forward, manage risks, foster change and solve problems. In general, the
premises of VUCA tend to shape an organization's capacity to:
1. Anticipate the Issues that Shape
2. Understand the Consequences of Issues and Actions
3. Appreciate the Interdependence of Variables
4. Prepare for Alternative Realities and Challenges
5. Interpret and Address Relevant Opportunities
For most contemporary organizations – business, the
military, education, government and others – VUCA is a practical code for
awareness and readiness. Beyond the simple acronym is a body of knowledge that
deals with learning models for VUCA preparedness, anticipation, evolution and
Failure in itself is not a catastrophe, but failure to
learn from failure definitely is. It is not enough to train leaders in core
competencies without identifying the key factors that inhibit their using the
resilience and adaptability that are vital in order to distinguish potential
leaders from mediocre managers. Anticipating change as a result of VUCA is one
outcome of resilient leadership. The capacity of individuals and
organizations to deal with VUCA can be measured with a number of engagement
1. Knowledge Management and Sense-Making
2. Planning and Readiness Considerations
3. Process Management and Resource Systems
4. Functional Responsiveness and Impact Models
5. Recovery Systems and Forward Practices
6. Systemic failures
7. Behavioural failures
At some level, the capacity for VUCA management and
leadership hinges on enterprise value systems, assumptions and natural goals. A
"prepared and resolved" enterprise is engaged with a strategic
agenda that is aware of and empowered by VUCA forces.
The capacity for VUCA leadership in strategic and operating
terms depends on a well-developed mindset for gauging the technical, social,
political, market and economic realities of the environment in which people
work. Working with deeper smarts about the elements of VUCA may be a driver for
survival and sustainability in an otherwise complicated world.
Psychometrics which measure fluid intelligence by
tracking information processing when faced with unfamiliar, dynamic and vague
data can predict cognitive performance in VUCA environments
Social Categorization
Volatility is the "V" component of VUCA. This
refers to the different situational social-categorization of people due to
specific traits or reactions that stand out during that particular situation.
When people react/act based on a specific situation, there is a possibility
that the public categorizes them into a different group than they were in a
previous situation. These people might respond differently to individual
situations due to social or environmental cues. The idea that situational
occurrences cause certain social categorization is known as volatility and is
one of the main aspects of the self-categorization theory.
Sociologists use volatility to understand better how stereotypes
and social-categorization is impacted based on the situation at hand as well as
any outside forces that may lead people to perceive others differently.
Volatility is the changing dynamic of social-categorization in a set of
environmental situations. The dynamic can change due to any shift in a
situation, whether it is social, technical, biological or anything of the like.
Studies have been conducted, but it has proven difficult to find the specific
component that causes the change in situational social-categorization.
There are two separate components that connect people to
social identities. The first social cue is normative fit. This describes the
degree that a person relates to the stereotypes and norms that others associate
with their specific identity. For example, when a Hispanic woman is cleaning
the house, most of the time, people connect gender stereotypes with this
situation, while her ethnicity isn’t concerned, but when this same woman eats
an enchilada, ethnicity stereotypes surface while her gender isn’t
concerned. The second social cue is comparative fit. This is when a
specific characteristic or trait of a person is prominent in certain situations
when compared to other people. For example, as mentioned by Bodenhausen and Peery,
when there is one woman in a room full of men. She sticks out because she
is the only one of her gender compared to many others of the opposite gender.
However, all of the men are clumped together because they don't have any
specific traits that stands out among the rest of them. Comparative fit shows
that people categorize others based on the comparative social context. In a
certain situation, specific characteristics are made obvious due to the fact
that others around that individual don’t possess that characteristic. However,
in other situations, this characteristic may be the norm and wouldn’t be a key
characteristic in the categorization process.
People can also be less criticizing of the same person
during different situations. For example, when looking at an African American
man on the street of a low-income neighborhood and when looking at the same man
inside a school of a high-income neighborhood, people will be less judgmental
when seeing him in the school. Nothing else has changed about this man, other
than his location. When individuals are spotted in certain social contexts,
the basic-level categories are forgotten and the more partial categories are
brought to light. This really helps to describe the problems of situational social-categorization
and how stereotypes can shift the perspectives of those around an
Uncertainty in the VUCA framework is almost just as it
sounds: when the availability or predictability of information in events is
unknown. Uncertainty often occurs in volatile environments that are complex in
structure involving unanticipated interactions that are significant in
uncertainty. Uncertainty may occur in the intention to imply causation or
correlation between the events of a social perceiver and a target. Situations
where there is either a lack of information to prove why a perception is in
occurrence or informational availability but lack of causation are where
uncertainty is salient.
The uncertainty component of the framework serves as a grey
area and is compensated by the use of social categorization and/or stereotypes.
Social categorization can be described as a collection of people that have no
interaction but tend to share similar characteristics with one another. People
have a tendency to engage in social categorization, especially when there is a
lack of information surrounding the event. Literature suggests that there are
default categories that tend to be assumed in the absence of any clear data
when referring to someone's gender or race in the essence of a discussion.
Often times individuals associate the use of general
references (e.g. people, they, them, a group) with the male gender, meaning
people = male. This instance often occurs when there is not enough information
to clearly distinguish someone's gender. For example, when discussing a written
piece of information most people will assume the author is a male. If an
author’s name is not available (lack of information) it is difficult to
determine the gender of the author through the context of whatever was written.
People will automatically label the author as a male without having any prior
basis of gender, placing the author in a social category. This social
categorization happens in this example, but people will also assume someone is
a male if the gender is not known in many other situations as well.
Social categorization occurs in the realm of not only
gender but also race. Default assumptions can be made, like in gender, to the
race of an individual or a group of people based on prior known stereotypes.
For example, race-occupation combinations such as a basketball player or a golf
player will receive race assumptions. Without any information of the
individual's race, a basketball player will be assumed to be black and a golf
player will be assumed to be white. This is based upon stereotypes because of
the majority of race in each sport tend to be dominated by a single race, but
in reality, there are other races within each sport.
Complexity is the “C” component of VUCA, that refers to the
interconnectivity and interdependence of multiple components in a system. When
conducting research, complexity is a component that scholars have to keep in
mind. The results of a deliberately controlled environment are unexpected
because of the non-linear interaction and interdependencies within different
groups and categories.
In a sociological aspect, the VUCA framework is utilized in
research to understand social perception in the real world and how that plays
into social categorization as well as stereotypes. Galen V Bodenhausen and
Destiny Peery’s article Social Categorization and Stereotyping In vivo: The
VUCA Challenge, focused on researching how social categories impacted the
process of social cognition and perception. The strategy used to conduct
the research is to manipulate or isolate a single identity of a target while
keeping all other identities constant. This method creates clear results of how
a specific identity in a social category can change one’s perception of other
identities, thus creating stereotypes.
There are problems with categorizing an individual’s social
identity due to the complexity of an individual's background. This research
fails to address the complexity of the real-world and the results from this
highlighted an even great picture about social categorization and
stereotyping. Complexity adds many layers of different components to an
individual's identity and creates challenges for sociologists trying to examine
social categories. In the real world, people are far more complex compared
to a modified social environment. Individuals identify with more than one
social category, which opens the door to a deeper discovery about stereotyping.
Results from research conducted by Bodenhausen reveals that there are certain
identities that are more dominant than others. Perceivers who recognize
these specific identities latch on to it and associate their preconceived
notion of such identity and make initial assumptions about the individuals and
hence stereotypes are created.
On the other hand, perceivers who share some of the
identities with the target become more open-minded. They also take into
consideration more than one social identity at the same time and this is also
known as cross-categorization effects. Some social categories are embedded
in a larger categorical structure, which makes that subcategory even more
crucial and outstanding to perceivers. Research on cross-categorization reveals
that different types of categories can be activated in the mind of the social
perceiver, which causes both positive and negative effects. A positive outcome
is that perceivers are more open-minded despite other social stereotypes. They
have more motivation to think deeply about the target and see past the most
dominant social category. Bodenhausen also acknowledges that
cross-categorization effects lead to social invisibility. Some types of
cross-over identities may lessen the noticeability of other identities, which
may cause targets to be subjected to “intersectional invisibility,” where
neither social identities have a distinct component and are overlooked.
Ambiguity is the “A” component of VUCA. This refers to when
the general meaning of something is unclear even when an appropriate amount of
information is provided. Many get confused about the meaning of ambiguity. It
is similar to the idea of uncertainty but they have different factors.
Uncertainty is when relevant information is unavailable and unknown, and
ambiguity where relevant information is available but the overall meaning is
still unknown. Both uncertainty and ambiguity exist in our culture today.
Sociologists use ambiguity to determine how and why an answer has been
developed. Sociologists focus on details such as if there was enough
information present, and did the subject have the full amount of knowledge
necessary to make a decision. and why did he/she come to their specific
Ambiguity leads to people assuming an answer, and many
times this leads assuming ones race, gender, and can even lead to class
stereotypes. If a person has some information but still doesn’t have the
overall answer, the person starts to assume his/her own answer based on the
relevant information he/she already possesses. For example, as mentioned by
Bodenhausen we may occasionally encounter people who are sufficiently
androgynous to make it difficult to ascertain their gender, and at least one
study suggests that with brief exposure, androgynous individuals can sometimes
be miscategorized on the basis of gender-atypical features (very long hair, for
a man, or very short hair, for a woman. Overall, ambiguity leads to the
categorization of many. For example, it may lead to assuming ones sexual
orientation. Unless a person is open about their own sexual orientation, people
will automatically assume that they are heterosexual. But if a man possesses
feminine qualities or a female possesses masculine qualities then they might be
portrayed as either gay or lesbian. Ambiguity leads to the categorization of
people without further important details that could lead to untrue
Sociologists believe that ambiguity can lead to race
stereotypes and discrimination. In a study done in South Africa by three
sociologists, they had white citizens of South Africa look at pictures of
racially mixed faces and they had to decide whether these faces were European
or African. Because these test subjects were all white they had a hard problem
defining these mixed race faces as European and deemed them all to be African.
The reason they did this is because of ambiguity. The information that was
available was the skin tone of the people in the pictures and the facial
qualities they possessed, with this information the test subjects had all of
that information available but still did not know the answer for sure. They
overall assumed because they did not look exactly like them, then they could
not be European.
Rujukan dari wikipedia.
Cara terbaik yang boleh kita lakukan bagi menghadapi VUCA
(1) FAHAM - Kita perlu memahami terlebih dahulu bahawa VUCA
atau era distraktif itu adalah fenomena terjadi ketika seluruh waktu ingin
bergerak lebih cepat,permbiayaan atau perbelanjaan ingin lebih murah.
(2) NURANI - Kita perlu melihat dengan hati nurani yang tajam
bahawa bukan itu yang kita nak. Dorongan hati nurani yang tak kan berubah apabila kita tahu
bahawa persaksian dengan Allah yang satu dapat mengelakkan kita daripada
menjadi korban dan tidak terpedaya dengan fenomena VUCA. Semua akan berubah dengan cepat. Hanya yang tak berubah iaitu
dinyatakan tujuan kita diciptakan.Persaksian adalah dorongan untuk kita menjadi
lebih baik.
Jangan jadi VUCA; kita perlu melihat teknologi sebagai alat
untuk kita lebih dekat dan menuju kepada Allah swt.Hanya dengan mengingat Allah
swt, kita akan jadi lebih tenang.
(4) TENAGA - Oleh itu kita perlu menggunakan sepenuh tenaga
dalaman untuk mewujudkan perjanjian kita dengan Allah swt.
Hanya dengan itu kita dapat mengawal diri dari terpedaya
dengan fenomena tersebut.Dari situ kita faham VUCA itu terjadi. Secara tak
langsung dapat mengawal kita dari terjebak dengan fenomena VUCA.
dari facebook Nur Izzah Sofea.
Hari ini.
Hari ini kehidupan seseorang pegawai tentera sudah tidak tenang seperti dahulu. Punca kecelaruan ialah kehadiran sistem komunikasi elektronik yang moden dan canggih.
Pertempuran antara syarikat-syarikat pembekal komunikasi menyebabkan ATM mempunyai pelbagai sistem yang bertindih bertindan bersimpang siur, melibatkan berpuluh kontraktor dan menelan bilion RM untuk membeli, mengurus dan menyelenggaranya.
Hari ini, tak de lagi jawatan typist atau steno. Sejak ada pc dan laptop di opis semua kerja pegawai buat sendiri. Draf sendiri, edit sendiri, retype sendiri, print sendiri. Cuma bila nak edar sahaja perlukan kerani untuk daftar surat.
Kapten, Mejar buat macam tu, naik Leftenan Kolonel pun macam tu, naik Kolonel pun macam tu. Ingat jadi Jeneral (Brigedier) ni dah besar la, boleh pi meeting je, serah semua staf buatkan. Rupanya staf semua pun sibuk kelibut dengan tugasan rasmi dan tak rasmi, primary dan secondary. Nak tunggu lama sangat. Akhirnya Jeneral pun type sendiri. Itulah perubahan zaman.
Kalau dulu balik rumah, semua oer. Apa-apa hal tunggu esok kita sambung. Hari ini tengah malam pun masih ada perbincangan pasal kerja. Ada emel, dulu ada sms sekarang ada whatsapp. Kerja berterusan siang dan malam.
Dalam whatsapp pun kena marah.
Itulah antara kesan-kesan VUCA.
dari facebook Nur Izzah Sofea.
Hari ini.
Hari ini kehidupan seseorang pegawai tentera sudah tidak tenang seperti dahulu. Punca kecelaruan ialah kehadiran sistem komunikasi elektronik yang moden dan canggih.
Pertempuran antara syarikat-syarikat pembekal komunikasi menyebabkan ATM mempunyai pelbagai sistem yang bertindih bertindan bersimpang siur, melibatkan berpuluh kontraktor dan menelan bilion RM untuk membeli, mengurus dan menyelenggaranya.
Hari ini, tak de lagi jawatan typist atau steno. Sejak ada pc dan laptop di opis semua kerja pegawai buat sendiri. Draf sendiri, edit sendiri, retype sendiri, print sendiri. Cuma bila nak edar sahaja perlukan kerani untuk daftar surat.
Kapten, Mejar buat macam tu, naik Leftenan Kolonel pun macam tu, naik Kolonel pun macam tu. Ingat jadi Jeneral (Brigedier) ni dah besar la, boleh pi meeting je, serah semua staf buatkan. Rupanya staf semua pun sibuk kelibut dengan tugasan rasmi dan tak rasmi, primary dan secondary. Nak tunggu lama sangat. Akhirnya Jeneral pun type sendiri. Itulah perubahan zaman.
Kalau dulu balik rumah, semua oer. Apa-apa hal tunggu esok kita sambung. Hari ini tengah malam pun masih ada perbincangan pasal kerja. Ada emel, dulu ada sms sekarang ada whatsapp. Kerja berterusan siang dan malam.
Dalam whatsapp pun kena marah.
Itulah antara kesan-kesan VUCA.